React UI Components that developers at de Gemeente Amsterdam can reuse in multiple projects
Amsterdam Styled Components UI
This is the React implementation of the styled-components
Add this package to your project by running:
npm install @amsterdam/asc-ui
Consult the demo site with the storybook of the components to see the available components and examples
Basic tweak of an existing style
import styled from 'styled-components'
import { themeColor, List, breakpoint, styles, ThemeProvider } from '@amsterdam/asc-ui'
const StyledList = styled(List)`
background-color: ${themeColor('tint', 'level5')};
@media screen and ${breakpoint('min-width', 'laptopM')} {
background-color: ${themeColor('tint', 'level1')};
${styles.ListItemStyle} {
color: ${themeColor('primary')};
<ListItem href="/">Item1</ListItem>
<ListItem href="/">Item2</ListItem>
The background color of the StyledList component has the color of tint.level5
widths smaller than laptopM
breakpoint and tint.level1
for widths larger than laptopM
The colors and the breakpoints are defined in the default theme
Each component exposes its style that can be used a (class)selector in another component. The naming convention for the styles is: <component-name>
-> styles.<component-name>Style
. For example ListItem has a styles.ListStyle selector.
We use the exposed selector to change the color of the LinkedListItems to the primary
theme color. In this case we don't need to create a new StyledLinkedList item to override the style.
This is just the way we are exposing the styles from the asc library to be used as selectors. For extending the styles use the convention const StyledLinkList = styled(LinkList)
as shown in the example.
The same can be achieved by creating of a new StyledLinkedListItem:
import styled from 'styled-components'
import { themeColor, List, breakpoint, styles, ThemeProvider, svgFill } from '@amsterdam/asc-ui'
const StyledList = styled(List)`
background-color: ${themeColor('tint', 'level5')};
@media screen and ${breakpoint('min-width', 'laptopM')} {
background-color: ${themeColor('tint', 'level1')};
const StyledListItem - styled(ListItem)`
color: ${themeColor('primary')};
${styles.IconStyle} {
${svgFill(themeColor('tint', 'level1'))};
${styles.LinkStyle} {
&:hover {
${IconStyle} {
${svgFill(themeColor('primary', 'main'))};
<StyledListItem href="/">Item1</StyledListItem>
<StyledListItem href="/">Item2</StyledListItem>
In this example, we use the IconStyle selector to override the color of the chevron icon from the ListItem