Simple scenario generator, allowing the user to graphically generate his choices
Scenario Graph
This library provides a simple graph allowing the user to dynamically generate a scenario using preconfigured choices .
You can try it out and explore the options here : Live demo
With CDN
In your main HTML file :
Import the css and js files in the head tag of your html document
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://res.cloudinary.com/amine-lejmi/raw/upload/v1578917478/scenarioGraph/scenarioGraph.styles_rnxukc.css">
<script src="https://res.cloudinary.com/amine-lejmi/raw/upload/v1578917478/scenarioGraph/scenarioGraph.main_tdw5hx.js"></script>
Locally: ES5
Download the scenarioGraph.main.js and scenarioGraph.styles.css located in the dist directory, and import them in the head tag of your html document
Locally: ES6
If you want to integrate the ES6 (non mignified) version of the library :
- download scenarioGraph.js located in the src directory , and import it in your js file:
import Scenario from './src/scenarioGraph.js';
- download scenarioGraph.css located in the src directory , and import it in your html file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./src/scenarioGraph.css">
Basic usage
In your main HTML file
- Create the HTML structure
<div id="id-of-your-container">
In your main JS file
- Import the library in your main javascript file :
const Scenario = ScenarioGraph.default;
- Select and put your container in a variable :
mainContainer = document.getElementById("id-of-your-container");
- Create the object containing your main data :
data = [
title: "title",
description: "description",
_children: [
title: "title 2",
description: "description 2"
- Instantiate your graph with your data
new Scenario(mainContainer, data);
The instantiation of the scenario accepts a third optional parameter, allowing you to customize your graph:
options = {
new Scenario(mainContainer, data, options);
| Attribute | Type | Default | Description | |-----------|------|---------|-------------| storeChanges|Boolean|false|Stores the changes in the localStorage| strokeColor|String|"bcbdbd"|Color of the graph lines, hex color| strokeWidth|String|"3"|The width of the graph lines| cardShadowColor|String|"0,0,0,0.15"| The color of the cards shadow, rgba color without braces| selectedCardBorderColor|String|"228B22"|The border color of the selected cards, hex color selectedCardBorderWidth |String|"2"|The border width of the selected cards|
If you put the instance your created into a variable, you can access some output methods:
let scenario = new Scenario(mainContainer, data, options);
Allows you to export an array containing the selected scenario
generateScenarioFields(fields: Array) :
Allows you to export only the fields you need from the selected scenario
scenario.generateScenarioFields(["title", "_id"]);
If one of the fields doesn't exist in the data object, it will be ignored
If the fields array contains only one element, the output will be a simple array containing the values of the field
If the fields array contains many elements, the output will be an array of objects.
- V1.0.0 Initial release
- Mohamed Amine LEJMI - Initial work - [email protected]
To modify the library and improve it :
- Clone the project
- Install npm dependencies (it uses webpack and babel to transpile and minify the files)
- npm run watch to watch and build changes in css and js files
- npm run build to build the dist files