This blueprint creates a project which you can use to build and publish a custom blueprint to your space.
Building a custom blueprint
This blueprint creates a project which you can use to build and publish a custom blueprint to your space.
Edit the blueprint code to configure your blueprint, and use the built-in release workflow to publish the blueprint to your space. Once published, you can add the blueprint to your space catalog.
Introduction to blueprints
Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprints are code packages that generate projects. Blueprints take user input options and based on the options, the blueprint creates (or modifies) a project.
Authoring a blueprint
The blueprint.ts file contains the blueprint code and options interface that will be used to generate the wizard. The blueprint can create source repositories, environments, and workflows based on options the user provides in the wizard.
Publishing a blueprint
The release workflow generated by this blueprint will publish your custom blueprint into your Amazon CodeCatalyst space.