Executable recipes to setup and extend Amazee Labs projects.
Amazee Recipes
Automated recipes for recurring tasks.
NPM: npm install -g @amazeelabs/recipes
If installed with NPM: npm update -g @amazeelabs/recipes
If installed with NPM: amazee-recipes
Contributing recipes
Recipes are stored in the recipes
directory. Simply add your recipe
and create a pull request against silverback-mono
How to write a recipe
Executing commands
A recipe is a markdown file with typescript codeblocks that are executed when
running the recipe. Technically you can import any other library and execute
arbitrary Typescript code. To ease things a little, there is a global $$
helper object that gives the recipe access to common tasks like logging, prompts
and file management.
Generating files
When a codeblock contains a line that has |-> [filename]
in it, it will not
execute, but render the content into that file.
This ...
// |-> test.js
... will write a file called test.js
with this content:
>-> [filename]
does the same, but appends the contents to the file instead of
overriding it.
Files run through Nunjucks, and it is possible to provide variables and dynamically replace them.
file: 'test.js',
message: 'Hello world!',
// |-> {{file}}
Outcome in test.js
console.log('Hello world!');
Helpers API
Run bash commands with $$
Simple shell commands can be run using the $$
function. The recipe will fail
if the command returns with a non-zero exit code.
$$('mkdir test');
It is also possible to test for specific exit codes instead. In this case, the
recipe will fail if the command does not return exit code 1
$$('command-that-does-not-exist', {
code: 1,
It is also possible to run assertions against stdout
or stderr
of a command.
The API expects either a regular expression, or a validation function.
$$('echo "foo"', {
stdout: /foo/,
$$('echo "bar"', {
stdout: (output) => output.length > 2,
$$('command-that-does-not-exist', {
stderr: /not found/,
Check versions with $$.minimalVersion
The $$.minimalVersion
helper can be combined with $$
to check for minimal
versions of the execution environment. It uses the
semver package to parse and compare
version numbers.
This for example will fail, if no PHP < 7.4 or no PHP at all is available.
$$('php -v', {
stdout: $$.minimalVersion('7.4'),
Working with $$.file
The $$.file
helper function provides read, write and modify operations for
files. It accepts a file path, and an optional processing function. If the file
exists, its content is parsed (depending on the filetype), passed into the
processing function, and the output will be written back into the file. If the
file does not exist, the input for the processor will be empty, and the file
will be created.
, *.yml
and *.yaml
files are parsed, and the content is passed in as
a javascript object. This allows for simple declarative modification of files
using spread operators:
$$.file('package.json', (content) => ({
author: 'AmazeeLabs <[email protected]>',
scripts: {
test: 'jest',
All other files are processed as array of lines.
$$.file('.gitignore', (content) => [...content, 'node_modules']);
gives you access to an instance of
tslog for pretty logging.
Getting information from the user
is essentially promps, but
all promises are resolved synchronously, so you can directly use the users input
in the recipe.
// Choose a project name.
const { message } = $$.prompts({
type: 'text',
name: 'message',
message: 'Enter a message:',
How to test recipes
Manual testing is possible with
pnpm build && LOG=silly node ./dist/index.js my-recipe