Gatsby plugin that extends the GraphQL schema with a field (and a resolver) that can load (responsive) images from the [Cloudinary](https://cloudinary.com/) service.
Gatsby Silverback Cloudinary
Gatsby plugin that extends the GraphQL schema with a field (and a resolver) that can load (responsive) images from the Cloudinary service.
The field resolver will use the original source value of the field and a config object (see bellow) to build the Cloudinary image urls.
Installation & Configuration
Simply install the package, add to your Gatsby configuration, and make sure you have defined the following env variables that you can get from the Cloudinary dashboard:
yarn add @amazeelabs/gatsby-silverback-cloudinary
export const plugins = {
resolve: '@amazeelabs/gatsby-silverback-cloudinary',
Very important: the plugin must be added after the @amazeelabs/gatsby-source-silverback, or any other source plugin that can add a DrupalResponsiveImage field.
Now you can do queries like:
fragment Hero on Page {
config: {
# Display a 1600/800 header image by default.
width: 1600
height: 800
sizes: [
# For screens smaller than 800px, scale down to 780px width.
[800, 780]
variants: [
# Use this variant for small portrait displays like phones.
media: "(max-width: 800px) and (orientation: portrait)"
# Request a portrait cut instead of landscape.
width: 800
height: 1600
# On mobile, text overlays the image, so we tint it a bit.
# https://cloudinary.com/documentation/transformation_reference
transform: "co_rgb:000000,e_colorize:60"
The response will be on this type (DrupalResponsiveImage):
src: string;
srcset: string;
sizes: string;
width: number;
height: number;
sources: Array<{
media: string;
src: string;
srcset: string;
width: number;
height: number;