Communicate with Rocket.Chat Realtime API via websocket (DDP).
🔌 Rocket Socket
Communicate with Rocket.Chat Realtime API via websocket (DDP).
See the main rocket-control
README for general configuration.
This example script uses rocket-socket
and rocket-sims
to create
a new bot user, connect to the general channel and stream all bot mentions to
the console.
new Socket()
Accepts options object, or uses defaults from environment config. Attributes can
include host
string and ssl
Creates a websocket handler instance to manage the connection with Rocket.Chat.
import { Socket } from '@amazebot/rocket-socket'
const socket = new Socket()
and .close()
Opens connection with Rocket.Chat. Returns promise.
Accepts option number of ms to attempt re-opening.
const socket = new Socket()
await socket.open()
await socket.close()
and .logout()
Login can be called without explicit .open()
, it will open the socket to login.
Login can be called without credentials to use the default user/pass from environment configs.
Login returns a credential object that can be used to resume login after closing and re-opening socket.
Login accepts a range of credential objects (including the resume object mentioned above):
username: string
password: string
Server credentials:
user: { username: string }
password: { digest: string, algorithm: string }
Oauth token:
oauth: {
credentialToken: string
credentialSecret: string
Resume token:
resume: string
and .loggedIn
Boolean attributes for confirming connection status.
.subscribe(name, params, callback)
Subscribe to any stream of events on the server, passing the stream name
and params
array as per Realtime API docs here: https://rocket.chat/docs/developer-guides/realtime-api/subscriptions/
The callback function will be called with every emitted event.
Subscribe method returns a subscription object, with the same attributes used to create it, along with an .id
and .unsubscribe()
CLI Usage
Method calls can also be made over DDP manually through the CLI, using a method name and optional other parameters. Results will be printed to console. Requires the same config as above, with username/password as ENV or command line opts.
Locally with ts-node
Run pre-compiled locally, using
> ts-node src/cli --method getServerInfo
{ result:
{ version: '0.73.2',
You can also pass params
> ts-node src/cli --method getRoomNameById --params GENERAL
{ result: 'general' }
As a dependency with rocket-call
Run the compiled bin when installed as a dependency
> node_modules/bin/rocket-call --method getServerInfo
Or use the alias arguments for both method and params
> node_modules/bin/rocket-call -m getRoomNameById -p GENERAL
Could work as a global NPM package too.