AWS Lex infrastructure as code via the CDK
AWS CDK - Lex V2
This package contains an AWS CDK wrapper to create, update and provision Lex V2 bots.
- Deploy Lex V2 bots easily and reliably between environments!
- Define your Lex bots using best practices and Infrastructure as Code!
- Automatically build/release Lex bot versions and aliases!
Using yarn:
$ yarn add @amaabca/aws-lex-custom-resources
Using npm:
$ npm install @amaabca/aws-lex-custom-resources
This example is extracted from the AWS OrderFlowersBot sample.
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { Stack } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import {
} from '@amaabca/aws-lex-custom-resources';
export default class MyCdkStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {
super(scope, id);
// Setup our custom resource from the AWS Serverless Application Repo.
// Application link: https://serverlessrepo.aws.amazon.com/applications/us-east-1/777566285978/lex-v2-cfn-cr
const provider = new LexCustomResource(
semanticVersion: '0.3.0',
logLevel: 'INFO',
// The LexBotDefinition class is our main entry point to Lex bot creation.
// Once we're happy with our bot definition, call `botDefinition.build()` to
// generate the resource.
const botDefinition = new LexBotDefinition(
botName: 'OrderFlowersBot',
dataPrivacy: {
childDirected: false,
description: 'Bot to order flowers on the behalf of a user',
idleSessionTTLInSeconds: 300,
roleArn: provider.serviceLinkedRoleArn(),
// Add a language for our bot to which we can add intents/slots and slot types.
const locale = botDefinition.addLocale({
localeId: 'en_US',
nluIntentConfidenceThreshold: 0.40,
voiceSettings: {
voiceId: 'Ivy',
slotTypeName: 'FlowerTypes',
description: 'Types of flowers to pick up',
valueSelectionSetting: {
resolutionStrategy: 'OriginalValue'
slotTypeValues: [
{ sampleValue: { value: 'lillies' } },
{ sampleValue: { value: 'roses' } },
{ sampleValue: { value: 'tulips' } },
const orderFlowers = locale.addIntent({
intentName: 'OrderFlowers',
description: 'Intent to order a bouquet of flowers for pick up',
sampleUtterances: [
{ utterance: 'I would like to pick up flowers' },
{ utterance: 'I would like to order some flower' },
intentConfirmationSetting: {
promptSpecification: {
messageGroups: [
message: {
plainTextMessage: {
value: 'Okay, your {FlowerType} will be ready for pickup by {PickupTime} on {PickupDate}. Does this sound okay?',
maxRetries: 2,
declinationResponse: {
messageGroups: [
message: {
plainTextMessage: {
value: 'Okay, I will not place your order.'
slotName: 'FlowerType',
slotTypeName: 'FlowerTypes',
description: 'The type of flowers to pick up',
valueElicitationSetting: {
slotConstraint: 'Required',
promptSpecification: {
messageGroups: [
message: {
plainTextMessage: {
value: 'What type of flowers would you like to order?',
maxRetries: 2,
slotName: 'PickupDate',
slotTypeName: 'AMAZON.Date',
description: 'The date to pick up the flowers',
valueElicitationSetting: {
slotConstraint: 'Required',
promptSpecification: {
messageGroups: [
message: {
plainTextMessage: {
value: 'What day do you want the {FlowerType} to be picked up?',
maxRetries: 2,
slotName: 'PickupTime',
slotTypeName: 'AMAZON.Time',
description: 'The time to pick up the flowers',
valueElicitationSetting: {
slotConstraint: 'Required',
promptSpecification: {
messageGroups: [
message: {
plainTextMessage: {
value: 'At what time do you want the {FlowerType} to be picked up?',
maxRetries: 2,
// create/update the bot resource
const bot = botDefinition.build();
// create a version that automatically is built when the bot changes
const version = bot.automaticVersion();
// create an alias and assign it to the latest bot version
botAliasName: 'live',
botVersion: version.botVersion(),
botAliasLocaleSettings: {
en_US: {
enabled: true