Allows you to quickly transform the javascript date to human readable strings
Date-Maker - NPM Date Library
Allows you to quickly transform the javascript date to human readable strings
Use the package manager npm to install.
npm i @alxrg/date-maker
const D = require("../src/index.js");
const dateTesting = new D(2022, 0, 8, 8, 4, 6);
const testDate = new D(2022, 10, 30, 6, 7, 8);
const testToday = new D();
// Full year
dateTesting.year; // 2022
// Short year
dateTesting.yr; // 22
// Full month
dateTesting.month; // 'January'
// Short month
dateTesting.mon; // 'Jan'
// Full day
dateTesting.day; // 'Saturday'
// Short day
dateTesting.dy; // 'Sat'
// Date Number
dateTesting.date; // 8
// Hour Number
dateTesting.hours; // 8
// Hour Padded (string)
dateTesting.hoursPadded; // '08'
// Minute Number
dateTesting.mins; // 4
// Minute Padded (string)
dateTesting.minsPadded; // '04'
// Second Number
dateTesting.secs; // 6
// Second Padded (string)
dateTesting.secsPadded; // '06'
// Examples of some formated dates
testDate.format("y/m/d"); // '22/Nov/Thu'
testDate.format("H:I:S"); // '06:07:08'
testDate.format("h:i:s"); // '6:7:8'
testDate.format("Y-M-D h:I:S"); // '2022-November-Thursday 6:07:08'
// Use the .when() will return the difference in time between two dates
const mockDate = new Date(2022, 10, 4);
dateTesting8.when(mockDate); // '16 days from now'
dateTesting7.when(mockDate); // '7 days ago'
dateTesting.when(mockDate); // '1 month 2 days from now'
dateTesting6.when(mockDate); // '9 months 29 days ago'
dateTesting5.when(mockDate); // '5 years 7 month 22 days from now'
dateTesting2.when(mockDate); // '12 years 10 month 3 days ago'
testToday.when(new Date()); // 'today'
The tests are running correctly = To run tests:
npm test
To check code test coverage:
npx jest --coverage