A module that inserts messages in to the code that we give to it. The messages will tell you when you are entering in a function.
AddLogging Module
Autor: Aarón José Cabrera Martín
addLogging module is a small npm module. It's exports a fuction that receive a JavaScript Code and return the same JavaScript Code but adding a "console.log" message when the execution of the code enters in a function. On the message, we can read the name of the function (if it has it) and see the parameters name and his values. addLogging supports all the types of JavaScript functions.
Besides, this module provides a executable command-like file. This program receibe a JavaScript file as an input and it applies addlogging function I mentioned before. His uses is explained on his own section.
npm install -G @alu0101101019/addLogging
npm install @alu0101101019/addLogging --save
This module includes an executable. This programm must receive as an input the name of a JavaScript file. This programm has a few options that can be actived, these options are:
- -h / --help : Shows the help. It's simmilar to this information.
- -o / --output : Change the output of the program, exporting the output to a file instead of show it on console.
- -p / --pattern : Instead of adding the console.log messages on all functions, this option adds the message only on the functions that has on his name the pattern.
Usage Example
If you globally installed addlogging you can launch addlogging program with:
addlogging entrada.js -o salida.js
If you not installed it globally you can find it in your node_modules/@alu0101101019/bin directory
- Input: "entrada.js"
function foo(a, b) {
var x = 'blah';
var y = (function () {
return 3;
let z = (e => {
return e + 1
foo(1, 'wut', 3);
function sinArgumentos( a ) {
return a/2;
- Output: "salida.js"
function foo(a, b) {
console.log(`Entering foo (a=${ a },b=${ b }) On line: 1. `);
var x = 'blah';
var y = function () {
console.log(`Entering <anonymous function> () On line: 3. `);
return 3;
let z = (e => {
console.log(`Entering <anonymous function> (e=${ e }) On line: 6. `);
return e + 1;
foo(1, 'wut', 3);
function sinArgumentos(a) {
console.log(`Entering sinArgumentos (a=${ a }) On line: 12. `);
return a / 2;
Release History
- 0.3.1 Fixing publish bugs
- 0.3.0 Fixing publish bugs
- 0.2.0 Executable add-logging.js added
- 0.1.0 Module exports addLogging function
- 0.0.1 Module creation