It's not a magic string, it's a string magic. Some util StringRule-driven functions do some string transformations.
~~ It's not a magic string, it's a string magic. ~~
Some util "StringRule"-driven functions do some string transformations.
I think, this lib will be mostly for my personal use, so the readme is short.
There are two string cleaners — TitleCleaner
and UrlCleaner
The first one is to clean sites' titles from a boilerplate text like "on Twitter"
the second one is to clean URLs (to remove search params and do some other things like removing site's redirects).
You describe rules as a string array, then apply them on a string is associated with some URL.
const tcRules: TCRuleStrings = [
"trim-start:: ArtStation - ",
"trim-end:: on DeviantArt",
const titleCleaner = TitleCleaner.fromRuleStrings(tcRules);
"ArtStation - Overwatch Preorder Widowmaker Noire"
// "Overwatch Preorder Widowmaker Noire"
const ucRules: UCRuleStrings = [
"trim-search-params:feature t si list",
const urlCleaner = UrlCleaner.fromRuleStrings(ucRules);
// "https://gfycat.com/RedFatCat"
// "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_HWtzUHm6s"
// "https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1798792222743122164"
See tests for more examples.
declare const TypeArray_TCCommands: readonly ["trim-start", "trim-end", "trim-start-end"];
declare const TypeArray_TCCommands_SD: readonly ["trim-regex"];
export type TCCommandString = typeof TypeArray_TCCommands[number];
export type TCCommandString_SD = typeof TypeArray_TCCommands_SD[number];
export type TCRuleString = `${TCCommandString | TCCommandString_SD | "sites" | "site"}:${string}`;
export type TCRuleStrings = TCRuleString[];
export type TCRule = {
command: TCCommandString;
data: string[];
} | {
command: TCCommandString_SD;
data: string;
export type TCRuleRecords = Record<string, Array<TCRule>>;
export type TCCompiledRules = {
ruleRecords: TCRuleRecords;
ruleRecordsWC: TCRuleRecords | null;
export declare function isTCRuleStringArray(array: string[]): array is TCRuleStrings;
export declare const knownCommands: Set<string>;
export declare const knownCommands_SD: Set<string>;
export declare class TitleCleaner {
private readonly ruleRecords;
private readonly ruleRecordsWC;
private constructor();
static fromRuleStrings(rule_strings: TCRuleStrings): TitleCleaner;
static fromRuleRecords(rules: TCCompiledRules): TitleCleaner;
static compileRuleStrings(rule_strings: TCRuleStrings): TCCompiledRules;
private getRules;
clean(url: string, title: string): string;
private applyRule;
private static parseRuleString;
declare const TypeArray_UCRuleCommands: readonly ["https", "decode-url", "recursive", "atob"];
type UCCommandString = typeof TypeArray_UCRuleCommands[number];
declare const TypeArray_UCRuleDataCommands: readonly ["filter-start", "trim-start", "prepend", "trim-regex", "trim-search-param", "search-param"];
type UCDataCommandString = typeof TypeArray_UCRuleDataCommands[number];
declare const TypeArray_UCRuleMDataCommands: readonly ["trim-search-params"];
type UCMDataCommandString = typeof TypeArray_UCRuleMDataCommands[number];
type UCAnyDataCommandString = UCDataCommandString | UCMDataCommandString;
type UCRuleCommandString = UCCommandString;
type UCRuleDataCommandString = `site:${string}` | `sites:${string}` | `${UCAnyDataCommandString}:${string}`;
export type UCRuleString = UCRuleCommandString | UCRuleDataCommandString;
export type UCRuleStrings = UCRuleString[];
type UCRule = {
command: UCCommandString;
type UCDataRule = {
command: UCDataCommandString;
data: string;
type UCMDataRule = {
command: UCMDataCommandString;
data: string | string[];
type UCAnyDataRule = UCDataRule | UCMDataRule;
type UCAnyRule = UCRule | UCAnyDataRule;
export type UCRuleRecords = Record<string, Array<UCAnyRule>>;
export type UCCompiledRules = {
ruleRecords: UCRuleRecords;
ruleRecordsWC: UCRuleRecords | null;
export declare function isUCRuleStringArray(array: string[]): array is UCRuleStrings;
export declare class UrlCleaner {
private readonly ruleRecords;
private readonly ruleRecordsWC;
private constructor();
static fromRuleStrings(rule_strings: UCRuleStrings): UrlCleaner;
static fromRuleRecords(rules: UCCompiledRules): UrlCleaner;
static compileRuleStrings(rule_strings: UCRuleStrings): UCCompiledRules;
private getRules;
clean(url: string): string;
private static parseRuleString;
export declare function isPlainObjectEmpty(obj: object): boolean;
export declare function noWWW(hostname: string): string;
export declare function getHostname(url: string): string;
export declare function getHostnameWithURL(url: string): string;
/** Find dot positions in a string. */
export declare function findDots(str: string): number[];
* @example
* getParentSubHosts("localhost") -> []
* getParentSubHosts("example.com") -> []
* getParentSubHosts("qwerty.example.com") -> [ "example.com" ]
* getParentSubHosts("test.qwerty.example.com") -> [ "example.com", "qwerty.example.com" ]
export declare function getParentSubHosts(hostname: string): string[];
* # Hostname rule matching
* Simple and performance oriented implementation with simplified WildCards support.
* Only one (the first) hostname match's rules are applied.
* - "example.com"
* 1. look for "example.com" rules, if none then do nothing (since, there are only 2 hostname parts).
* - "www.example.com"
* 1. look for "example.com" rules, if none then
* 2. look for "*.example.com" rules.
* - "qwerty.example.com"
* 1. look for "qwerty.example.com", if none then
* 2. look for "*.example.com".
* - "more.qwerty.example.com"
* 1. look for "more.qwerty.example.com", if none then
* 2. look for "*.example.com", if none then
* 3. look for "*.qwerty.example.com".