Typescript types for altibox.min.js
What is this?
This module allows us to use altibox.min.js in Typescript.
It includes only type definitions for the objects & functions altibox.min.js, there is no actual code in this repo (Only type definitions).
This means that when you use this module, altibox.min.js should also be included in your project. (included with a script tag, like on altibox.no)
To install:npm install @altibox/types
To use in your Typescript project:import '@altibox/types';
You will then be able to use the global values from altibox.min.js, e.g.:window.altibox.commons.showLoader('body')
This module doesn't contain 100% all of the interfaces for all methods on altibox.min.js, but probably the most that are required at least.
More can be added if needed.
The plan is to also have a sub folder within this project for locationPicker & partnervelger for example. (Or maybe include the types in a separate package? - undecided)