A TODO app which consists of user validation, item addition/ deletion, and saving user's data features.
TO DO APP in Typescript
ATM System
Application Walkthrough
A TODO app which consists of user validation, item addition/ deletion, and saving user's data features.
- Saving users's data: if the user uses the app first time the todo app saves their data in persons.json file.
- Add items: After adding name and unique password users can add their todo items.
- Delete items: Users also have option to delete the item if they change their mind.
- Exit: Finally after adding the items if they write stop the app will log them out and display their items added.
For testing purposes (let's say) there are two users
user1 :
*name : anas
*items: ["apple", "mango", "banana"]*
*pin : qwe123*
user2 :
*name : abdullah*
*items: []*
*pin : abc123*
Run the Application on CLI:
npm i @alpha_anas/to_do_app
npx @alpha_anas/to_do_app
(and the game will start running on your Command Prompt / Terminal)
### Compiling and Running on IDE
when all the [dependencies](#Prerequisites) (as mentioned below) are successfully installed you can build and run the project using the
below mentioned command :
`tsc && node index.js`
### Prerequisites
Before running the application, ensure you have the following installed:
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/)
- [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/)
### Installation
1. **Clone the repository**:
git clone https://github.com/AlphaAnas/Typescript-Projects-PIAIC-course.git cd "04_TO_DO_APP"
2. **Install the dependencies**:
npm install (to install node modules folder) npm install inquirer npm i --save-dev @types/inquirer tsc --init (to install tsconfig.json) npm init -y (to install package.json) (keep pressing enter to make a general tsconfig.json file)
Important changes to make (note I have already made this following changes for you, so you do not have to make the same, however remember to make the same in your own version)
In tsconfig.json file on line No.:14 change the *target* to *ESNext* i.e. `"target": "ESNext"`
also tsconfig.json file on line No.:28 change the *module* to *NodeNext* i.e. `"module": "NodeNext"`
also tsconfig.json file on line No.:28 change the *moduleResolution* to *NodeNext* i.e. `"moduleResolution": "NodeNext"`
Then in package.json file on line No.:10 after ( "main": "index.js",) enter the following two lines
"bin": "index.js",
"type": "module",
### Example Interaction
1. **Menu Display**:
Welcome to the TODO APP
- Enter your name
- Enter a password
- (system validates if its a new user or an old one)
- system allocates an array if its a new user else bring back the previous items that exist
## Development
### Run/ Edit the Application on IDE:
Clone or download the zip of the folder from : `https://github.com/AlphaAnas/12-Typescript-Projects-of-PIAIC-course/tree/main/04_TO_DO_App`
`Then run the following commands to install the DEPENDENCIES (if already not installed, however i have already installed and pushed the following for you in the repository): `
tsc --init
npm init -y
npm install inquirer
npm i --save-dev @types/inquirer