Simple App to run command-line tasks on a regular basis. It's like GitLab Runner, without the Pipeline headaches.
I needed a little script to check for git updates then to pull, install, and build my various apps. So this is what I came up with. The end result is a pretty powerful little app for running command line scripts from within node.
I made this as a quick-and-dirty version of Gitlab's Runner app. Frankly, their pipelines weren't working for me, so decided to build something that I knew would serve my needs. Instead of setting up Jenkins, or some other 3rd party services, this ended up being a simple (and secure) alternative to my CI/CD needs. This specific version performs a few key tasks. First it cd's into my specified app folder that is synced with a git repo. Then it calls 'git status' to check if there are any updates for that branch. If updates are found, it then performs a 'git pull' && 'sudo npm install' && 'sudo quasar build". The end result means that my servers will rebuild everytime the repo is updated.
- The app assumes you have properly configured your server to pull from your Git Repo.
- The app checks for git updates every 30-seconds. This can easily be updated in the config/default.json file.
- You can adjust this to handle any repetitive tasks, not just GIT calls.
- Works with any Source-management service (GitHub,GitLab,BitBucket..)
- The world is your oyester.
- npm i auto-git
- npm i pm2 -g (I use this just to keep the app running in the background)
- change the config/default.json settings to match your project requirements.
- run pm2 start index.js --name git-puller
That's it.