## Usage
import oh from output-helpers
Optionally use oh.config(config_object)
to configure default languages and setup translation dictionaries.
oh.addDictionary(dictionary): undefined
Add additional dictionaries for the translate function to use for lookups.
oh.dateToMoment(date, utc): Moment
Converts a javascript date to a Moment.
date <Date, required>
- The input javascript date to be converted.
utc <bool, default true>
- Instruct moment to use utc parsing.
oh.format(value, options): string
value <number, required>
- The value to be formatted.
options <object, default {}>
- An object with optional parameters:round <number, optional> - Equivalent to power of oh.roundTo.
ceil <number, optional> - Equivalent to power of oh.roundUpTo.
floor <number, optional> - Equivalent to power of oh.roundDownTo.
integer_padding <number, optional> - Minimum number of characters before the decimal point. Padding with zeros.
decimal_padding <number, optional> - Minimum number of characters after the decimal point. Padding with zeros.
padding <number, optional> - Ensures the total length of the output to be at least padding length.
trunc <bool, default false> - Truncates the value, returning the integer part only using Math.trunc().
grouping <bool, default false> - Groups digits before decimal point in groups of 3.
Ex: oh.format(1354.342, { round: 1, grouping: true }) > "1 350".
oh.formatDateAsString(date, output_format, input_format, utc): string
Formats a given date according to output_format. Formats are specified according to Moment standard.
date <Date|string|Moment|number, required>
- The date to be formatted.
output_format <string, default YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm>
- The output format.
input_format <string, optional>
- If input date is a string optionally a input format can be specified for Moments parser.
utc <bool, default false>
- Instruct moment to use utc parsing.
oh.formatDateAsTimeString(date, input_format, utc): string
Formats given date as HH:mm. Equivalent to oh.formatDateAsString(date, "HH:mm").
date <Date|string|Moment|number, required>
- Date to be formatted.
input_format <string, optional>
- If input date is a string optionally a input format can be specified for Moments parser.
utc <bool, default true>
- Instruct moment to use utc parsing.
oh.formatSecondsToMS(value, always_include, padding, colon): string
Converts a value (seconds) to a [m]m[s]s format: 1m2s.
value <integer, required>
- Number of seconds to be formatted.
always_include <"none"|"minutes"|"seconds"|"both", default "none">
- Optional specifyer for which parts to always include.
none - If not enough for a minute only returns seconds, if an exact minute the seconds will not be included.
minutes - If value not above 60 "0m" will be prepended to the seconds.
seconds - If value is exact minute "0s" will be appended after the minute.
both - Will always prepend and append "0m" and "0s" respectively as needed.
padding <bool, default false>
- Toggles if values should be padded so 4 becomes 04. Both minutes and seconds will be padded. Defaults to false.
colon <bool, default false>
- Changes the output format to be "mm:ss" instead of "[m]m[s]s". Will always include both minutes and seconds, always padding. Defaults to false.
oh.getCurrentConfig(): OutputHelpers config object
oh.getDateLocale(language): Moment locale object
Returns a Moment locale object for the given language. This is used with Moments moment.defineLocale function to add locale support for calendars etc.
NOTE: OH will automatically add all available locales to moment! You only need to use this if you are running a separate moment instance or to change the definition and re-define the locale with moment manually.
language <"sv-SE"|"en-US", defaults to configured language>
- The language for which to return the locale specifications.
oh.getFallbackLang(): "sv-SE" | "en-US"
Returns the currently configured fallback language used by oh.translate when primary language is not found.
oh.getLang(): "sv-SE" | "en-US"
Returns the currently configured language used by oh.translate.
oh.roundDownTo(value, power): number
Returns value rounded down to the power.
value <number, required>
- The value to be rounded.
power <number, default 0>
- The power to round to.
Ex: roundDownTo(1345.341, 1) > 1340
oh.roundTo(value, ???): number
Returns value rounded to the power.
value <number, required>
- The value to be rounded.
power <number, default 0>
- The power to round to.
Ex: roundTo(1345.341, 1) > 1350
oh.roundUpTo(value, ???): number
Returns value rounded to the power.
value <number, required>
- The value to be rounded.
power <number, default 0>
- The power to round to.
Ex: roundUpTo(1345.341, 2) > 1400
oh.setConfig(config_options): undefined
Sets the config options. Should be an object with any of the following settings.
date_locale <"sv-SE"|"en-US", default same as *lang*>
- Specifies the locale used by Moment.fallback_language <"sv-SE"|"en-US", default "en-US">
- Fallback used by translate function if lang is not available.lang <"sv-SE"|"en-US", default "en-US">
- Default language used by translate function.extend_with <object, default null>
- An object to extend the OH object with. Use this to attach additional dynamic functionality to OH.
oh.translate(key, capitalize, language, empty_on_error, dictionary): string
Looks up key in dictionary for language and returns specified value.
Will use the configured language and dictionaries unless specified.
key <string, required>
- The key to look for in dictionary.
capitalize <bool, default true
- Capitalizes the returned value.
language <"sv-SE"|"en-US", default to configured language>
- Language to check for in dictionary.
empty_on_error <true|false, default false>
- Whentrue
an empty string will be returned when the requested key or language is not found. Whenfalse
the key is returned.
NOTE: Does not affect error logging.
dictionary <object, default to configured and added dictionaries>
- See theoh.addDictionary()
oh.translateTyped<T>(key, capitalize, language, empty_on_error, dictionary): string
Equivalent to oh.translate
but takes in a Type T with which to match the key, eg: key keyof T
. If the key is not present in T it will not allow compilation.
Dictionary definition
A dictionary an object with a key for each language supported by the dictionary. Each language should be an object with signature key: string, value: string.
Optionally a prefix key can also be supplied, in which case it will be used to prefix every key in the dictionary to avoid collissions with other dictionaries keys.
NOTE: You will have to prefix all keys in your invokations of oh.translate with the same value. This can be done by wrapping the oh.translate function in a separate function which automatically adds the prefix.
Example dictionary
sv-SE: {
email: "epost",
name: "namn",
en-US: {
email: "email",
name: "name",
prefix: "my-prefix"
Example wrapper
function translate(str) {
return oh.translate(prefix + str);