> Yes, this is another fork. Of the fork. I'm sorry. This fork enables bootstrap appearance, like this: ``` <Compobox appearance='bootstrap' ... /> ``` Also, it has a mode, in which it shrinks to it's content. Can be useful as inline component: ``` <Compo
Yes, this is another fork. Of the fork. I'm sorry. This fork enables bootstrap appearance, like this:
<Compobox appearance='bootstrap' ... />
Also, it has a mode, in which it shrinks to it's content. Can be useful as inline component:
<Compobox shrink={true} shrinkMinSize={100} ... />
$ npm install @alexkuz/react-autocomplete
A quick, friendly fork aimed at making the original lib easier to consume, when using with:
- React v0.12.x or v0.13.x
- many configurations of webpack/browserify/etc. (alternative: configure your loader to transform the lib's JSX).
npm install colinhicks/react-autocomplete
import {Combobox, Option} from 'react-autocomplete';
Original readme preserved below ...
react-autocomplete (combobox)
WAI-ARIA accessible React autocomplete component (combobox).
npm install react-autocomplete
This is not production ready, but I welcome use-cases opened in the issues :)
var Autocomplete = require('react-autocomplete');
// its actually called a combobox, but noboby searches for that
var Combobox = Autocomplete.Combobox;
var Option = Autocomplete.Option;
var comboboxinItUp = (
// Just like <select><option/></select>, this component is a
// composite component. This gives you complete control over
// What is displayed inside the <Option>s as well as allowing
// you to render whatever you want inside, like a "no results"
// message that isn't interactive like the <Options> are.
// Start with the <Combobox/> and give it some handlers.
// `onInput` is called when the user is typing, it gets passed the
// value from the input. This is your chance to filter the Options
// and redraw. More realistically, you'd make a request to get data
// and then redraw when it lands.
// `onSelect` is called when the user makes a selection, you probably
// want to reset the Options to your full dataset again, or maybe
// deal with the value and then clear it out if this is used to
// populate a list.
// `autocomplete` defaults to 'both'. 'inline' will autocomplete the
// first matched Option into the input value, 'list' will display a
// list of choices, and of course, both does both.
// When this option is selected, `onSelect` will be called with the
// value `"foo"`.
<Option value="foo">Foo</Option>
// `label` is the text to display in the input when the Option is
// selected. It defaults to the content of the Option just like a
// real <option>. (Maybe the value should too, now that I'm writing
// this, but it doesn't yet)
<Option value="bar" label="not bar at all">Bar</Option>
This is not realistic code, check out the examples directory for a real implementation.