Vite plugin for generate snippet with all inputs (entries).
Vite plugin for generate snippet with all inputs (entries).
Add the plugin to your vite.config.js
All options are not required:
import shopifyVitePlugin from '@alexander.k/vite-plugin-for-shopify'
export default {
plugins: [
// root path to theme, default value is './'
themeRoot: './',
// snippet you will use in the liquid, default value is 'vite.liquid'
snippetFilename: 'vite.liquid',
cleanup: {
// regex for filtering files in the assets folder that are generated during assembly,
// needed to remove files from previous assemblies,
// for example if files are created with a hash in the name
// there is no default value, old files will not be deleted
fileNameRegex: /.*\.min\.(js|css)$/m
Add snippet to <head></head>
without params once
it will add the helper function for dynamic import in your code
for example, to the theme.liquid
{% render 'vite' %}
Use snippet with entryName as in inputs, for example:
inputs in the vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
build: {
rollupOptions: {
input: {
theme: './some-path/theme.js',
coolSection: './some-path/collSection.js',
utils: './some-path/utils.js',
pageStyles: './some-path/pageStyles.css'
{% liquid
# it can also preload styles
render 'vite', entry: 'theme', preload_stylesheet: true
render 'vite', entry: 'pageStyles'
render 'vite', entry: 'coolSection'
only styles or only js
{% liquid
# only style
render 'vite', entry: 'theme', only_css: true
# only js
render 'vite', entry: 'coolSection', only_js: true
import mode for styles
<template class="component-template">
{% render 'vite', entry: 'theme', only_css: true, import_mode: true %}
:root {
display: block;
.wrapper {
padding: 10px;
<div class="wrapper">
<button class="global-class-from-theme">Button</button>
==> result:
<template class="component-template">
@import url("//www.your-store.com/cdn/shop/t/111/assets/theme.C0CJB5x1.min.css");
:root {
display: block;
.wrapper {
padding: 10px;
<div class="wrapper">
<button class="global-class-from-theme">Button</button>
import mode for js
<script type="module">
{% render 'vite', entry: 'utils', only_js: true, import_mode: true, import_name: '{ getCart }' %}
const cart = getCart()
==> result:
<script type="module">
import { getCart } from "//www.your-store.com/cdn/shop/t/111/assets/utils.C0CJB5x1.min.js";
const cart = getCart()
or dynamic way
<script type="module">
const addClickHandler = async (items) => {
{% render 'vite', entry: 'utils', only_js: true, import_mode: true, dynamic_import: true, import_name: '{ addToCart }' %}
return await addToCart(items)
==> result:
<script type="module">
const addClickHandler = async (items) => {
const { addToCart } = await import("//www.your-store.com/cdn/shop/t/111/assets/utils.C0CJB5x1.min.js");
return await addToCart(items)