React component for rendering tableau reports using tableau javascript API.
Tableau React Component
Tableau React component integrated with Tableau JS API. Patched to work with NextJS.
npm install tableau-react
Install Beta Version (Uses Tableau API v2.3.0)
Note: This version is not heavily tested and may be unstable.
npm install tableau-react@beta
import TableauReport from 'tableau-react';
const SimpleReport = props => (
Supported props
const options = {
height: 100,
width: 100,
hideTabs: false,
// added interval support - an integer can be passed as milliseconds in the options object and refreshDataAsync() will refresh the data automatically on your preferred interval.
// All other vizCreate options are supported here, too
// They are listed here: https://help.tableau.com/current/api/js_api/en-us/JavaScriptAPI/js_api_ref.htm#vizcreateoptions_record
const filters = {
Colors: ['Blue', 'Red'],
Sizes: ['Small', 'Medium']
const parameters = {
Param1: 'Value',
Param2: 'Other Value'
const MyReport = props => (
options={options} // vizCreate options
// Overwrite default query params
// defaults to '?:embed=yes&:comments=no&:toolbar=yes&:refresh=yes'
Changing Filters & Parameters
Any parameters or filters that are initially passed will be sent in the vizCreate options, which speeds up initial loading time by not having to apply each one asynchronously after the viz loads.
Once the viz has been loaded, if the parameters/filters change but the url does not, only the changed parameters/filters will be applied asynchronously in order to optimize performance.
Viz Integration
Upon initialization, a new Viz will be created. A new Viz will only be
initialized if props.url
changes for performance reasons.
Trusted Tickets
You can authenticate using a trusted ticket, which will be immediately invalidated upon being used, because using it a second time will log the user out.
If props.token
gets updated, it will use it the next time a viz is initialized.
npm install
npm test
Local Development of this package or updating.
- clone this repo.
- Do
npm install
. - Make the changes, commit it and raise a PR.
Note: If you don't have write access to the repo, you need to clone it and make changes there and raise a PR to the parent repo.