Library for common Aleo components
Aleo Components
A component library for building websites that follow the Aleo brand.
This component library requires Ant Design and Aleo UI.
$ npm i antd @aleohq/ui
Then, you can install this library.
$ npm i @aleohq/components
This is the most important component, and is REQUIRED for this library to function correctly. You should wrap this
around your main <App />
You must provide a theme. For supported themes, see Aleo UI. Important: the
theme prop input is camel-case. Ex: lightBlue
<AleoThemeProvider theme="blue">
<App />
You can use the AleoThemeContext to retrieve the primary color. It returns a hex string, such as #ffffff
const Example = () => {
const theme = useContext(AleoThemeContext);
return <h1 style={{ color: theme.primaryColor }}>Hello World!</h1>;
You must provide a Logo and children. Optionally, you can provide logoRender
, allowing you to wrap the logo inside
a Link
or a
AleoHeader has justify-content: space-between
. The following code will render the links next to the logo and the
button on the far right side.
<AleoHeader logo={aleoLogo} logoRender={logo => <a href="/">{logo}</a>}>
<Space size={30}>
<a>For Developers</a>
<Button type="primary">Subscribe</Button>
Similar to AleoHeader, you must provide a Logo. You must also provide a list of links. This list will render on the left of the static links.
You can optionally provide a linkRender
function, allowing you to wrap your link in a Link
or a
tag (or anything
const aleoLinks = [
{ url: '', label: 'Aleo.pm' },
{ url: '', label: 'Home' },
{ url: '', label: 'Most Downloaded' },
{ url: '', label: 'New Packages' },
{ url: '', label: 'Just Updated' }
<AleoLargeFooter logo={logo} links={aleoLinks} linkRender={(link) => <a href={link.url}>{link.label}</a>} />
This is a mini version of our footer. You only need to provide a Logo and optionally a render function.
<AleoMiniFooter logo={aleoLogo} logoRender={logo => <a href="/">{logo}</a>} />
You can use this component to create authentication modals.
import background from './src/assets/sign-up.png'; // Import an image file
graphicTitle="Sign In"
graphicSubtitle="Sign in and participate in the Aleo Setup."
background={background} // Use the image file!
<Form.Item name="username">
<Input placeholder="Username" size="large" />
<Form.Item name="password">
<Button type="primary" size="large">
Sign In
You must provide textStyle
, which dictates the size of the text. You can optionally provide weight
and type
, which determine the font weight and the color, respectively.
type = primary
sets the text color to your app's primary color, determined by AleoThemeProvider.
type = secondary
sets the text color to gray-9.
type = default
sets the text color to white.
type Style =
| 'title' // 56pt
| 'heading-1' // 46pt
| 'heading-2' // 38pt
| 'heading-3' // 30pt
| 'heading-4' // 24pt
| 'subtitle' // 20pt
| 'body' // 16pt
| 'body-small' // 14pt
| 'footnote'; // 12pt
type Weight = 'normal' | 'semibold';
type Type = 'default' | 'primary' | 'secondary';
<AleoTypography textStyle="subtitle" type="primary" weight="semibold">Zero-Knowledge is Finally Here</AleoTypography>
<AleoTypography textStyle="title" weight="semibold">Where Applications Become Private.</AleoTypography>
<AleoTypography textStyle="body">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquid, corporis distinctio
dolorum ea eius enim ex impedit in ipsa labore, maiores possimus repudiandae sapiente sed, similique totam velit
voluptate! Rerum.</AleoTypography>
You can use this component to mask text. It can be a gradient, an image, or anything else that the background
CSS property accepts.
<MaskText mask="linear-gradient(90deg, #0BACA2 1%, #6BEA65 100%)">
<AleoTypography textStyle="title" weight="semibold">
Hello World!
<MaskText mask={`url(${maskExample})`}>
<AleoTypography textStyle="title" weight="semibold">
Hello World!
This component accepts icon
, which is an OrionIcon, minus the prefix and suffix. If you want o-user-1
, you provide user
It also accepts fontSize
and color
, optionally. Guess what they do.
<AleoIcon icon="user" />
If you want a list of supported icons, the ./src/assets/icons/iconfont.css
file might help you.
Misc Icons
This library also has a couple of misc icons.
<DiscordIcon />
<TwitterIcon />
<GitHubIcon />
<UserIcon />