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A Web Component to visualize JSON data in a tree view
From CDN
The package contains a bundled version of the component which includes also the Lit library. It can be useful in case you want to import the package using a CDN.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@alenaksu/[email protected]/dist/json-viewer.bundle.js"></script>
From NPM
Install the component through NPM:
npm i @alenaksu/json-viewer
Import the package to your project, this way the component will be automatically defined in the custom elements registry with its default tag name json-viewer
import '@alenaksu/json-viewer';
If you want to extend the component or if you just need to use it in scoped registries with a different tag name, then you can import the component class from the package:
import { JsonViewer } '@alenaksu/json-viewer/JsonViewer.js';
class MyJsonViewer extends JsonViewer {
customElements.define('my-json-viewer', MyJsonViewer);
- the string representation of JSON object to load
- get/set the JSON object
filter (regexOrPath: RegExp|string) => void
| Maintains only the nodes that match the given criteriaresetFilter () => void
| Clear the filterexpand (regexOrPath: RegExp|string) => void
| Expand all the nodes that match the given criteriaexpandAll () => void
| Alias forexpand('**')
collapse (regexOrPath: RegExp|string) => void
| Collapse all the nodes that match the given criteriacollapseAll () => void
| Alias forcollapse('**')
search (regexOrPath: RegExp|string) => Iterator
| Return and iterator with which is possible to go through all the matched nodes. It scrolls the page to the node and highlights it.
CSS Parts
- The object wrapper element.property
- The wrapper element of a property.key
- The key element of a property.primitive
- The primitive value.primitive--string
- Applied when the primitive is a string.primitive--number
- Applied when the primitive is a number.primitive--boolean
- Applied when the primitive is a boolean.primitive--null
- Applied when the primitive is a null.preview
- The value preview of a property.highlight
- The highlighted value.
CSS custom properties
The appearance of the component can be modified by changing the CSS custom properties
json-viewer {
/* Background, font and indentation */
--background-color: #2a2f3a;
--color: #f8f8f2;
--font-family: Nimbus Mono PS, Courier New, monospace;
--font-size: 1rem;
--line-height: 1.2rem;
--indent-size: 0.5em;
--indentguide-size: 1px;
--indentguide-style: solid;
--indentguide-color: #333;
--indentguide-color-active: #666;
--indentguide: var(--indentguide-size) var(--indentguide-style) var(--indentguide-color);
--indentguide-active: var(--indentguide-size) var(--indentguide-style) var(--indentguide-color-active);
--outline-color: #e0e4e5;
--outline-width: 1px;
--outline-style: dotted;
/* Types colors */
--string-color: #a3eea0;
--number-color: #d19a66;
--boolean-color: #4ba7ef;
--null-color: #df9cf3;
--property-color: #6fb3d2;
/* Collapsed node preview */
--preview-color: #deae8f;
/* Search highlight color */
--highlight-color: #c92a2a;
Basic Usage
Put the JSON inside the element
{ "quiz": { "sport": { "q1": { "question": "Which one is correct team name in NBA?", "options": [ "New York Bulls",
"Los Angeles Kings", "Golden State Warriros", "Huston Rocket" ], "answer": "Huston Rocket" } }, "maths": { "q1": {
"question": "5 + 7 = ?", "options": [ "10", "11", "12", "13" ], "answer": "12" }, "q2": { "question": "12 - 8 = ?",
"options": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "answer": "4" } } } }
Load the JSON dynamically
<json-viewer id="json"></json-viewer>
document.querySelector('#json').data = { prop1: true, prop2: 'test' };
Basic interactions
const viewer = document.querySelector('#json');
// Expand/collapse/filter
// Search
const searchIterator = viewer.search('value');
// Scrolls to the node and highlight the value
Custom renderer
This is an experimental feature and it may change in the future
The rendering of the values can be customized by defining a static method customRenderer
in the custom element class.
The function receives the value and the path of the node and it should return a HTML node or a Lit's TemplateResult
import { JsonViewer } from '@alenaksu/json-viewer/JsonViewer.js';
class extends JsonViewer {
static styles = [
a {
color: white;
text-decoration: underline;
static customRenderer(value, path) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
if (URL.canParse(value)) {
return html`<a href="${value}" target="_blank">${value}</a>`;
} else if (Date.parse(value)) {
return new Date(value).toLocaleString();
} else if (typeof value === 'number') {
return value.toFixed(2);
return super.customRenderer(value);
The demo can also be run locally with
npm run start