React scheduler component based on Material-UI & date-fns
React Scheduler Component
:warning: Notice: This component uses
. if your project is not already using these libs, this component may not be suitable.
npm i @aldabil/react-scheduler
If you plan to use recurring
events in your scheduler, install rrule
import { Scheduler } from "@aldabil/react-scheduler";
event_id: 1,
title: "Event 1",
start: new Date("2021/5/2 09:30"),
end: new Date("2021/5/2 10:30"),
event_id: 2,
title: "Event 2",
start: new Date("2021/5/4 10:00"),
end: new Date("2021/5/4 11:00"),
Scheduler Props
All props are optional
| Prop | Value |
| height | number. Min height of table. Default: 600
| view | string. Initial view to load. options: "week", "month", "day". Default: "week" (if it's not null)
| agenda | boolean. Activate agenda view
| alwaysShowAgendaDays | boolean. if true, day rows without events will be shown
| month | Object. Month view props. default: {weekDays: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], weekStartOn: 6, startHour: 9, endHour: 17,cellRenderer?:(props: CellProps) => JSX.Element,navigation: true,disableGoToDay: false}
| week | Object. Week view props. default: { weekDays: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], weekStartOn: 6, startHour: 9, endHour: 17,step: 60,cellRenderer?:(props: CellProps) => JSX.Element,navigation: true,disableGoToDay: false}
| day | Object. Day view props. default: {startHour: 9, endHour: 17, step: 60,cellRenderer?:(props: CellProps) => JSX.Element,hourRenderer?:(hour: string) => JSX.Element,navigation: true}
| selectedDate | Date. Initial selected date. Default: new Date()
| navigation | boolean. Show/Hide top bar date navigation. Default: true
| navigationPickerProps | CalendarPickerProps for top bar date navigation. Ref CalendarPicker API
| disableViewNavigator | boolean. Show/Hide top bar date View navigator. Default: false
| events | Array of ProcessedEvent. Default: [] type ProcessedEvent = {eventid: number or string;title: string;subtitle?: string;start: Date;end: Date;disabled?: boolean;recurring: RRule;color?: string or "palette.path";textColor?: string or "palette.path";editable?: boolean;deletable?: boolean;draggable?: boolean;allDay?: boolean;agendaAvatar?: React.ReactElement | stringsx?: Mui sx prop}
| eventRenderer | Function(event:ProcessedEvent): JSX.Element. A function that overrides the event item render function, see demo _Custom Event Renderer below
| editable | boolean. If true
, the scheduler cell click will not open the editor, and the event item will not show the edit button, this is applied to all events, and can be overridden in each event property, see ProcessedEvent
| deletable | boolean. Whether the event item will show the delete button, this is applied to all events, and can be overridden in each event property, see ProcessedEvent
| draggable | boolean. Whether activate drag&drop for the events, this is applied to all events, and can be overridden in each event property, see ProcessedEvent
| getRemoteEvents | Function(RemoteQuery). Return promise of array of events. Can be used as a callback to fetch events by parent component or fetch.type RemoteQuery = { start: Date; end: Date; view: "day" | "week" | "month";}
| fields | Array of extra fields with configurations. Example: { name: "description", type: "input" , config: { label: "Description", required: true, min: 3, email: true, variant: "outlined", ....}
| loading | boolean. Loading state of the calendar table
| loadingComponent | Custom component to override the default CircularProgress
| onConfirm | Function(event, action). Return promise with the new added/edited event use with remote data. action: add
| edit
| onDelete | Function(id) Return promise with the deleted event id to use with remote data.
| customEditor | Function(scheduler). Override editor modal. Provided prop scheduler object with helper props: {state: state obj, close(): voidloading(status: boolean): voidedited?: ProcessedEventonConfirm(event: ProcessedEvent, action:EventActions): void}
| customViewer | Function(event: ProcessedEvent, close: () => void). Used to render fully customized content of the event popper. If used, viewerExtraComponent
& viewerTitleComponent
will be ignored
| viewerExtraComponent | Function(fields, event) OR Component. Additional component in event viewer popper
| viewerTitleComponent | Function(event). Helper function to render custom title in event popper
| viewerSubtitleComponent | Function(event). Helper function to render custom subtitle in event popper
| disableViewer | boolean. If true, the viewer popover will be disabled globally
| resources | Array. Resources array to split event views with resources Example {assignee: 1,text: "User One", subtext: "Sales Manager", avatar: "https://picsum.photos/200/300", color: "#ab2d2d", }
| resourceFields | Object. Map the resources correct fields. Example:{idField: "adminid", textField: "title", subTextField: "mobile",avatarField: "title", colorField: "background",}
| resourceHeaderComponent | Function(resource). Override header component of resource
| resourceViewMode | Display resources mode. _Options: default
| vertical
| tabs
| onResourceChange | Function(resource: Resource): void. Triggered when the resource tabs changes, only applicable when resourceViewMode="tabs"
| direction | string. Table direction. rtl
| ltr
| dialogMaxWidth | Edito dialog maxWith. Ex: lg
| md
| sm
... Default:md
| locale | Locale of date-fns. Default: enUS
| hourFormat | Hour format. Options: 12
| 24
. Default: 12
| timeZone| String, time zone IANA ID
| translations | Object. Translations view props. default: { navigation: { month: "Month", week: "Week", day: "Day", today: "Today" agenda: "Agenda" }, form: { addTitle: "Add Event", editTitle: "Edit Event", confirm: "Confirm", delete: "Delete", cancel: "Cancel" }, event: { title: "Title", subtitle: "Subtitle", start: "Start", end: "End", allDay: "All Day"}, validation: { required: "Required", invalidEmail: "Invalid Email", onlyNumbers: "Only Numbers Allowed", min: "Minimum {{min}} letters", max: "Maximum {{max}} letters" }, moreEvents: "More...", noDataToDisplay: "No data to display", loading: "Loading..."}
| onEventDrop | Function(event: DragEvent, droppedOn: Date, updatedEvent: ProcessedEvent, originalEvent: ProcessedEvent). Return a promise, used to update remote data of the dropped event. Return an event to update state internally, or void if event state is managed within component
| onEventClick | Function(event: ProcessedEvent): void. Triggered when an event item is clicked
| onEventEdit | Function(event: ProcessedEvent): void. Triggered when an event item is being edited from the popover
| onCellClick | Function(start: Date, end: Date, resourceKey?: string, resourceVal?: string | number): void. Triggered when a cell in the grid is clicked
| onSelectedDateChange | Function(date: Date): void. Triggered when the selectedDate
prop changes by navigation date picker or today
| onViewChange | Function(view: View, agenda?: boolean): void. Triggered when navigation view changes
| stickyNavigation | If true
, the navigation controller bar will be sticky
| onClickMore | Function(date: Date, goToDay: Function(date: Date): void): void. Triggered when the "More..." button is clicked, it receives the date and a goToDay
function that shows a day view for a specfic date.
Used to help manage and control the internal state of the Scheduler
component from outside of Scheduler
props, Example:
import { Scheduler } from "@aldabil/react-scheduler";
import type { SchedulerRef } from "@aldabil/react-scheduler/types"
const SomeComponent = () => {
const calendarRef = useRef<SchedulerRef>(null);
return <Fragment>
<Button onClick={()=>{
calendarRef.current.scheduler.handleState("day", "view");
Change View
<Button onClick={()=>{
calendarRef.current.scheduler.triggerDialog(true, {
start: /*Put the start date*/,
end: /*Put the end date*/
Add Event Tomorrow
The calendarRef
holds the entire internal state of the Scheduler component. Perhaps the most useful method inside the calendarRef
is handleState
, example:
calendarRef.current.scheduler.handleState(value, key);
consider looking inside SchedulerRef
type to see all fields & methods available.
- Basic
- Remote Data
- Custom Fields
- Editor/Viewer Override
- Resources/View Mode
- Custom Cell Action
- Custom Event Renderer
- [ ] Tests
- [x] Drag&Drop - partially
- [ ] Resizable
- [x] Recurring events - partially
- [x] Localization
- [x] Hour format 12 | 24