albert li personal cli to generate boilerplate codes
al-cli - Albert's personal scaffolding client
This project is reserved for personal usage and for the react-openfin-js scaffolding tool please refer openfin-js-cli instead. Currently, this client no longer support to generate openfin prototype projects
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albert li personal cli to generate boilerplate codes
$ al-cli electron-ts <app name>
$ al-cli react-ts <app name>
$ al-cli comp <component name>
$ al-cli view <view component name>
$ al-cli lyt <layout component name>
$ al-cli help
--force -f Create the target file by force, override if any already exist
--directory -d Override the default path where the file created
--verbose -v Include comments
--skipInstall Skip to install node_moduels
npm install @albertli90/al-cli -g
yarn global add @albertli90/al-cli
create electron react app in typescript
To generate a electron prototype project basing on create-react-app in typescript
$ al-cli electron-ts sample-electron-app
- -v or --verbose will log the files created
- --skipInstall will skip the node_module processes
Once created, change into the working directory:
# install dependencies if skipped before
yarn install
# clean building directory for the workspace
yarn clean
# start dev server
yarn start
# bundle and build the js codes for production
yarn build
# run all unit test cases
yarn test
# eject all scaffolding files
yarn eject
# conditionally run all end2end test cases; this task expects bundle files to be built in advance at directory build
yarn e2e
# bundle and build the js codes and package into binaries for production
yarn package
# bundle and build the js codes and package into binaries with directories for production
yarn package:dir
# lint all source codes
yarn lint
# prettify all source codes
yarn prettify
create react app in typescript
To generate a front-end prototype project basing on create-react-app in typescript
$ al-cli react-ts sample-react-ts-app -v --skipInstall
- -v or --verbose will log the files created
- --skipInstall will skip the node_module processes
Once created, change into the working directory:
# install dependencies if skipped before
yarn install
# start dev server
yarn start
# build the applicaton for production
yarn build
# run all unit test cases
yarn test
# eject all scaffolding files
yarn eject
# conditionally run all end2end test cases; this task expects active server running, like a dev server
yarn e2e
# lint all source codes
yarn lint
# prettify all source codes
yarn prettify