The open source web development tool based on Express.js that maximizes speed and efficiency during development and maintenance.
Alarife - HTTP server plugin
Alarife http plugin is a library that provides a decorator pattern for generating servers with express.
To start a project with this library you first need to know the alarife-core. Application example code alarife.
HttpServer is a class decorator.
HttpServer decorator parameters:
Server parameters
- ip
IP address to server - port
The port address to server - apiRoot
The base path to server - controllers
Drivers assigned to server
- ip
SSL parameters
- Parameter
Object | Boolean
default is false. HTTPS Options Setting Guide. (If ssl=true, look for the key.pem and cert.pem files in the project root.)
- Parameter
This decorator instantiates the class to which it is applied to launch its constructor, so you can add additional configuration.
You can add the parameters belonging to HttpServer to your instance with @Value.
HttpServer includes: protocol, ip, port, apiRoot, app, webSocket, hasSsl, options (SSL), accessLog configuration includes: accessLog configuration functions.
import { App, Value } from '@alarife/core/decorators';
import { HttpServer } from '@alarife/http/decorators';
import TestController from '...';
@HttpServer({ port : 9000, controllers : [TestController] })
class Main {
@Value('HttpServer.protocol') protocol;
@Value('HttpServer.ip') ip;
@Value('HttpServer.port') port;
@Value('HttpServer.apiRoot') apiRoot;
@Value('HttpServer.app') app;
@Value('HttpServer.webSocket') webSocket;
@Value('HttpServer.ssl.hasSsl') hasSsl;
@Value('HttpServer.ssl.options') sslOptions;
@Value('HttpServer.accessLog') accessLog;
/** Core configuration value */
@Value('configuration') configuration;
constructor() {
this.configuration.traceLog({ levels : ['info', 'debug', 'error', 'warn'] });
this.configuration.accessLog({ active : true });
this.app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended : false }));
this.log.info('ip: ', this.ip);
this.log.info(`port: ${this.port}`);
Controller is a class decorator.
Receives a path parameter that would be the parent path, the path is required.
The operation of the controller system is simple.
The @Controller decorator injects the Logger module.
Support for Get, Post, Delete, Put and Ws methods. Just to decorate methods.
import { Controller, Get } from '@alarife/http/decorators';
class TestController {
ping(req, res) {
return res.success(200).json({ message : 'pong' });
@Get, @Post, @Delete, @Put and @Ws
This decorator applies to methods.
The REST function receives the parameters of express req, res and next.
The WebSocket function receives the express-ws parameters ws and req.
import { Controller, Get, Ws } from '@alarife/http/decorators';
class TestController {
ping(req, res, next) {
return res.success(200).json({ message : 'pong' });
serverStatus(ws, req) {
ws.on('message', function(msg) {
To make a stack of different methods in the same route we can use the Use.
In the following example we see the Use of Use with various middlewares. The order of execution would be as indicated in the comments.
The input parameter is an express middleware function
import { AutoWired } from '@alarife/core/decorators';
import { Controller, Get, Use } from '@alarife/http/decorators';
// Protect example
const protect = ({ headers }, res, next) => {
if(!headers.token) {
return res.unauthorized().end();
const roleProtect = (roles = []) => ({ headers }, res, next) => {
if(!headers.token) {
return res.unauthorized().end();
@Use(protect) //execution 1
class UserController {
@AutoWired(UserService) userService;
@Use((req, res, next) => {
//execution 2
@Use(roleProtect(['admin'])) //execution 3
userList(req, res) {
//execution 4
const users = this.userService.getAllUsers();
Body is a JSON body validator middleware, decorate methods.
ajv is used as a library to validate json objects.
import { AutoWired } from '@alarife/core/decorators';
import { Controller, Post, Body } from '@alarife/core/decorators';
// Ajv schema
const productBody = {
type: "object",
properties: {
name: {type: "string"},
description : {type: "string"},
price: {type: "number"}
required: ["name", "price"],
additionalProperties: false,
class StoreController {
@AutoWired(ProductsService) productsService;
products({ body }, res) {
return this.productsService.createProduct(body)
.then(product => {
.catch(err => {
The DTO class decorator generates validation models for ajv from javascript classes.
The @Dto decorator injects the Logger module.
import { Dto } from '@alarife/http/decorators/dto';
class ProductModel { ... }
Parameter decorators generate the properties to validate. The decorators are: @String, @Number, @Date, @Boolean, @Enum, @ObjectId and @ArrayId
Field options:
- name
String | undefined
Reference name that the validator will get. - values
List of elements, only used in Enum. - target
- configuration.optional
Field is optional. - configuration.required
Field is required. - configuration.nullable
Field is nullable. - configuration.error
Custom error message for this field.
import { Dto, String, Enum, ArrayId, ObjectId } from '@alarife/http/decorators/dto';
class Category { ... }
error : {
type : 'should be an object',
required : 'should have property foo',
additionalProperties : 'should not have properties other than foo'
class ProductModel {
* Four parameter variants
/** Without parameters, Use the parameter name as the field name and use default options. */
@String() name;
/** With String parameter, Use the entered field name and default options. */
@String('product_name') name;
/** With object parameter, Use the field name of the parameter as the field name and combine default options and those introduced by parameters. */
@String({ required: true }) name;
/** With String and Object parameters, use the field name entered by parameters and combine the default options and those entered by parameters. */
@String('product_name', { required: true }) name;
/** Insert by parameters name, values and options */
@Enum('product_role', [...], {...}) role;
* In reference decorators you can insert an AJV class or object.
/** Insert by parameters name, Schema reference and options */
@ArrayId('comments_list', Comment, { uniqueItems: true }) comments;
/** Insert by parameters name, Schema reference and options */
@ObjectId('image', Image, {...}) image;
* Configuration options
required: true,
required: [true, 'Error message required field'], // Required field with custom error message
optional: true,
nullable: true,
error: 'Error message' // Error message for any field error
}) name;
Full mode of use (Class)
import { Controller, Post, Body } from '@alarife/http/decorators';
import { Dto, String, Number } from '@alarife/http/decorators/dto';
class ProductModel {
@String({ required: true })
@Number({ required: true })
class StoreController {
* Simple mode
products({ body }, res) {
* Object array mode
products({ body }, res) {
Some of the additional functionalities that the library contains are listed.
The response contains new methods that simplify responses a bit.
res.success(200).json({ message : 'pong' });
res.badRequest().json({ message : 'Error' });
- alarife-core - Library core.
- alarife-mongo - Library to use Mongo database.