A Command-Line tool to Pack your SVG icons into a single file!
🗃️ Pack all of your svg files into a single SVG file! (command-line tool)
So What's The Point Of This? 🧐❔
Basically, the problem came up when we wanted to use svg icons in an SSR website, and cache them; well we could have used a caching service and logics to handle things but that would take a lot of time to write a decent code; which consist of handling multiple requests or nasty race conditions that occurred.
Or in React (and other frameworks using jsx) we tend to generate a jsx file for each svg and customize them.
What if we want to add a size
property to all the icons to controls the width and height simultaneously.
or when we want to add a disabled
and onClick
event handlers.
The Solution Is Here! ✨
using this package you can combine all of your svg files into a singular file, each icon is inside a symbol, which then can be used by its id, and is accessed easily from anywhere with Benefits:
- Just one fetch request to get all the icons
- It's cached on the browser
- A single component to rule all the svg properties
- Type safe! icon names are saved into a d.ts file
- washes the dishes for you
- it's nice... really.
Getting Started 🚀
Install it using your preferred package manager:
npm i @al00x/svg-packer
Now you can call it from your terminal:
npx svg-packer
gather some SVGs and you are ready to go!
How To Use It? 🔦
The simplest way to generate the Packed SVG is to give an input & output to start the process:
npx svg-packer -i ./folder/to/svg/icons -o ./folder/to/output
After running this command you will get two files in the output:
contains all the svgs you pointed to.Packed-SVG-types.d.ts
contains all the icon names for type safety (extracted from the icons filename).
You are all set to use these files the way you like to; The samples below are made for each framework to gives you a quick start!
Samples 📔
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { IconNameType } from './svg-packed-names';
selector: 'icon',
template: `
<svg style="fill: currentColor !important; color: inherit" [style.width]="size" [style.height]="size">
<use [attr.href]="'/assets/svg-packed.svg#' + name" />
styles: ``,
standalone: true,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class IconComponent {
@Input({ required: true }) name!: IconNameType;
@Input() size?: string = '1.5rem';
import iconsSprite from './svg-packed.svg';
import type { IconName } from './svg-packed-names';
import { component$ } from '@builder.io/qwik';
export default component$(
size = '1.5rem',
}: {
name: IconName;
size?: string;
class?: string;
}) => {
return (
<svg {...props} class={`${props.class ?? ''}`} style={{ width: size, height: size }}>
<use href={`${iconsSprite}#${name}`} />
Issues & Contributes are welcomed! 💞
If you find a bug, got a fix, have an idea, made a new feature, or ... feel free to send it right away!