Handy Angular package for screen detecting
🖨️ Get your device screen type reactively! in Angular.
✅ Setup:
Install using your preferred package manager:
npm i @al00x/screen-detector
✨ Usage:
it's all you need!
<div *NgIf="screenDetector.isDesktop$ | async">
Render when reached desktop breakpoint
<!-- The below *NgIf condition, it's always true -->
<ng-container *NgIf="{state: screenDetector.state$ | async} as screen">
XL Breakpoint? {{ screen.xl ? 'YES' : 'NO'}}
There's 6: xxl, xl, lg, md, sm, xs
breakpoint types, also with utility: isDesktop
which is defaulted as lg
and it's changeable.
You can also check the example files for various usages: Playground
⚙️ Config:
You can config screen detector for more customization by providing ALX_SCREEN_DETECTOR_CONFIG
// component.ts
providers: [
useValue: {
// The breakpoints below are the default values that are the same as default TailwindCSS breakpoints.
breakpoints: {
xxl: 1536,
xl: 1280,
lg: 1024,
md: 768,
sm: 640,
xs: 420,
} as AlxScreenDetectorConfig
export class Component { }
Config Options:
| property | default | description |
| desktopBreakpoint: 'xxl' \| 'xl' \| 'lg' \| 'md' \| 'sm' \| 'xs'
| 'lg' | You can set at which breakpoint is considered as desktop |
| resizeDebounceTime: number
| 25 | Screen resize event debounce time in milliseconds; Shorter values cause a faster detection but reduced performance |
| breakpoints: BreakpointsConfig
| In the example above | Describe each breakpoint's pixels |