Random ID Generator is a function that generates a long random string of letters and numbers. The function takes one argument "idLength" which will decide on the number of characters in ID.
Random ID generator
Random ID Generator is a function that generates a long random string of letters and numbers. The function takes one argument "idLength" which will decide on the number of characters in ID.
Installing Random ID Generator
To install generator from npm, run:
npm install @akijania/randomid-generator
const randomID = require('@akijania/randomid-generator');
console.log("random ID", randomID(5));
You should get a random string of 5 characters e.g. 8WkBH
const randomID = require('@akijania/randomid-generator');
console.log("random ID", randomID());
If you don't pass any parameter, you get a random string of 7 characters.