React component to display an OpenClap timeline
React component to display an OpenClap timeline
This library is not ready for public use yet.
This is a "build in public" project so code is open and provided for convenience and discussion, but there is no official release yet (documentation will be written once the library is useable).
Thanks for your patience!
Note: as warned before, this library is not ready for public use yet.
I cannot provide support until the basic features have been implemented and some critical bugs fixed.
npm install @aitube/timeline
Depending on your project configuration and package manager, you may need to install some additional packages manually, such as React, Radix, Tailwind, Three.js, Zustand etc:
npm install @aitube/clap @radix-ui/react-slider @react-spring/three @react-spring/types @react-three/drei @react-three/fiber @types/react @types/react-dom react react-dom tailwindcss three typescript zustand
If you forget some dependencies you might get weird errors
You can see in the package.json that I set NODE_ENV=production
while building, that's because of a weirdness with Bun: https://github.com/oven-sh/bun/issues/3768
If you are developping the timeline, I recommend to use:
bun run build:dev
to build with the jsxDEV enabled.
You will also want to use a path like this to test the module directly dependency:
"@aitube/timeline": "file:/Users/jbilcke/Projects/Typescript_Libraries/aitube-timeline",
Future extensions
This project is currently not designed to be used with other tools such as Svelte, Vue, or other state manager. In the future it may be split into sub-libraries to facilitate support for alternative frameworks.
[ ] BUG: the scrollY position is a bit janky, one should solve the formula [ ] OPTIM: we should avoid re-creating geometries (eg. grids, cells) and text since this is costly [ ] FEATURE: Add edit callbacks [ ] CLEAN: Write doc [ ] BUG: Fix the Vite previewer