Client-side serialization library for Aire-UX
Condensation is a library for transparently hydrating JavaScript or TypeScript objects from a variety of formats (JSON, XML, Avro, gRPC, Cap'n Proto)
This process is optional, but if you use a JVM language and servlet technologies, then you can map your JVM objects directly to Condensation-mapped objects and call methods remotely
Define the AireServlet
@Bean public ServletRegistrationBean<AireDesignerServlet> aireServlet() {
return new ServletRegistrationBean(AireDesignerServlet, "context"); // servlet will be registered at "/web-context/context"
Generic Usage (backend-agnostic)
Define a data-transfer object:
class Address {
type: Number,
read: {
alias: "room-count",
roomCount: number;
city: string;
showInfo() : void {
console.log(`City: ${this.city}, Rooms: ${this.roomCount}`)
This object may be mounted from the following JSON document:
"room-count": 4,
"city": "Fort Collins"
this context can be made a global object
const context = Condensation.newContext();
const jsonDoc = await load('path/to/my/address'); // path returning above document
const address = ctx.create(Address, jsonDoc);
// logs City: Fort Collins, Rooms: 4
Condensation is capable of serializing/deserializing entire object-graphs, including graphs that contain cycles:
class Person {
commonName: string;
type: String,
read: {
alias: 'given-name' // can be read from "given-name" payload property
write: {
alias: 'GivenName' // will be written to "GivenName" payload property on write
givenName: string;
@Linked(via = "children")
@Receive(Person) public readonly parents: Array<Person>,
@Linked(via = "parents")
@Receive(Person) public readonly children: Array<Person>
) {
input document
"common-name": "Haswell",
"given-name": "Dad"
"common-name": "Haswell",
"given-name": "Josiah",
"parent": "Dad" // generated from commonName property of Identity. @Linked annotations will correctly link Dad -> Josiah via parent and children properties
class Person {
name: string | undefined;
type: Address,
read: {
alias: "home-addresses",
addresses: Address[];
class Group {
members: Person[] | undefined;
Define a Remotable Object
import { Receive, Remotable } from "./remotable";
class RemotableGroup {
* @param group the group to construct this from
constructor(@Receive(Group) group: Group) {}
addMember(@Receive(Person) member: Person): void {
this.group.members.push(member); // addMember can be called from the server-side
const group = Condensation.newContext().bind(RemotableGroup);