All in one server, supports. Mysql, Local, and Mongodb more coming soon.
All In One Server @aio-server
Welcome, our package was made to make development easier to start out. Instead of having to worry about making a server end every time you start a new project. You can use this package to have a modular based server end. Our package supports both CommonJS and ES6. We do not do anything on the client side. If you want to use a client you can do so by using our Proxy Module.
This package is the core of many modules. You can plugin any module we have setup for the server, modules that are available are prefixed with @aio-server which is what we have decided to name our package.
Table Of Contents
- Database [ @aio-server/database ]
- Auto Routes [ @aio-server/auto-routes ]
- Cookies [ @aio-server/cookies ]
- Session [ @aio-server/session ]
- Server Side Events [ @aio-server/server-side-events ]
- WebSockets [ @aio-server/websockets ]
- Proxy [ @aio-server/proxy ]
- Static [ @aio-server/static ]
Getting Started
In order to get started using our package please make sure you have NodeJS installed. You can also check you system to see if it is installed by using node -version
. If you see a response that has a version number that means its installed.
Start New Project
You can start a new project by using npm init --yes
, which will create a package.json for you. Inside that package json is info saved to help you run your project. This package.json file will also tell NodeJS what dependencies you have. In order to run our package and modules you are required to have a package.json.
You can install this package by using npm i @aio-server/core
. This will install our package into your package.json and also download and save it inside your node_modules folder. You also need to create a file called index.js to the root of your app. A basic index.js file looks like this...
const server = require("@aio-server/core");
(async () => {
server.router.get("/", async (req, res) => {
return "testing."
// Your app logic goes here.
server.start({ port: 8080 });
Import and Register Modules
You can also register modules to the server. These modules are what will run your server, you can use one of our modules or create modules. Here are a few examples.
Custom Module
Create the module.
// modules/SimpleRoute/index.js
class SimpleRoute {}
SimpleRoute.install = (options = {}) => {
$server.router.get("/test", (req, res) => {
return "test route"
module.exports = SimpleRoute;
Import and register the module.
// index.js
const server = require("@aio-server/core");
const SimpleRoute = require("./modules/SimpleRoute"); // import the module
(async () => {
server.install(SimpleRoute, {}); // install the module
server.router.get("/", async (req, res) => {
return "testing."
// Your app logic goes here.
server.start({ port: 8080 });
Premade Module
Import and register the module.
// index.js
const server = require("@aio-server/core");
const Cookies = require("@aio-server/cookies"); // import the module
(async () => {
server.install(Cookies, { secret: "my-secret" }); // install the module
server.router.get("/", async (req, res) => {
return req.cookies["cookie-name"]
// Your app logic goes here.
server.start({ port: 8080 });