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Example of composable eslint config bases that can be easily shared and fine-tuned by apps and packages that lives in a monorepo.
- Monorepo friendly: Each workspace can have its own config.
- Composable: Compose your workspace eslint config from pre-defined bases.
- Peace of mind: Plugins does not need to be installed per workspaces, thx to @rushstack/eslint-patch.
- Extensible: Easily add additional plugins per workspaces (ie: nextjs, remix...)
- Performance: Plugins enabled on file conventions patterns to increase perf.
Add the following devDependencies to workspace (apps/packages in monorepo) or main project package.json.
$ yarn add --dev eslint
$ yarn add --dev @your-org/eslint-config-bases:"workspace:^"
Tip the workspace:^ is supported by yarn and pnpm.
In your app or package, create an ./apps/my-app/.eslintrc.js
file that extends any of the
existing base configs. For example:
// Workaround for https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/3458 (re-export of @rushstack/eslint-patch)
module.exports = {
// Be sure to set root to true in monorepo.
root: true,
// Will help typescript extended rules.
parserOptions: {
tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
project: "tsconfig.json",
ignorePatterns: ["**/node_modules", "**/.cache", "build", ".next"],
extends: [
// Add specific rules for your framework if needed.
// ie:
// - nextjs: 'plugin:@next/next/core-web-vitals',
// - remix: '@remix-run/eslint-config',
// ...
// Post configure the prettier base so there won't be
// any conficts between eslint / prettier
rules: {
// Specific global rules for your app or package
overrides: [
// Specific file rules for your app or package
Tip: "@your-org/eslint-config-bases/prettier" must be set at the end to disable any conflicting rules.
You can find the bases in ./src/bases.
| Base | Match convention | Scope |
| :---------------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------- |
| typescript | all | Naming conventions, consistent imports, import sorting... |
| sonar | *.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}
| Keep levels of code complexity sane. (excl test and stories) |
| regexp | *.{js,jsx,jsx,tsx}
| Keep regexp consistent and safer. |
| react | *.{jsx,tsx}
| Recommendations for react, react-hooks and jsx projects. |
| jest | **/?(*.)+(test).{js,jsx,ts,tsx}
| Catch inconsistencies or error in jest tests. |
| rtl | **/?(*.)+(test).{js,jsx,ts,tsx}
| Potential errors / deprecations in react-testing-library tests. |
| graphql-schema | *.graphql
| Ensure validity of graphql schema files. |
| storybook | *.stories.{ts,tsx,mdx}
| Potential errors / deprecations in stories. |
| playwright | **/e2e/**/*.test.{js,ts}
| Post configure eslint for prettier compatibility. |
| prettier | all | Post configure eslint for prettier compatibility. |
The order is important. Some bases will disable or tune previously defined rules. For example the react base will tune the naming conventions for function components and increase recommended cognitive complexity. The typescript base will also relax conventions for javascript files.
Based on filename conventions some rules are relaxed or disabled to avoid false positives and keep a good level of performance. For example the sonar base won't run on test and storybook files. If you work on different conventions the patterns must be updated.
Prettier integration
To prevent conflicts between prettier and eslint, you must re-export the prettier base from @your-org/eslint-config-bases
const { getPrettierConfig } = require("@your-org/eslint-config-bases/helpers");
module.exports = {
overrides: [
// whatever you need
Tip: You can tune the provided prettier.base.config for your own needs.
Generic typescript project, mostly based on
| Type/Plugin | Comment | | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | eslint:recommended | The basics for code linting. | | @typescript-eslint/recommended | The basics for typescript. | | @typescript-eslint/consistent-type | Use TS 3.8+ imports/exports, helps with esbuild | | @typescript-eslint/naming-convention | | | eslint-plugin-import | Order imports |
| Type/Plugin | Comment | | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------- | | eslint-plugin-sonarjs/recommended | Help to keep complexity sane |
| Type/Plugin | Comment | | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------- | | eslint-plugin-react/recommended | | | eslint-plugin-react-hooks/recommended | | | eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/recommended | Helps to produce accessibility-ready jsx |
| Type/Plugin | Comment | | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------------------------- | | eslint-plugin-jest/recommended | Jest recommended practices. |
React Testing Library
| Type/Plugin | Comment | | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :------------------------------------ | | eslint-plugin-testing-library/recommended | Ease when using react-testing-library |
| Type/Plugin | Comment | | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :------ | | eslint-plugin-regexp/recommended | |