The purpose of the Audit Data API Working Group (Working Group) is to define an API standard for the transfer of financial audit data between two systems. The standard is open and licensed under an MIT license. Participation in the Working Group and contr
@aicpa-ads/[email protected]
The purpose of the Audit Data API Working Group (Working Group) is to define an API standard for the transfer of financial audit data between two systems. The standard is open and licensed under an MIT license. Participation in the Working Group and contributions are open to all interested parties. The API standard intends to build upon the standards already developed by the AICPA and to use the terms defined in that standard where applicable..
Navigate to the folder of your consuming project and run one the following command.
npm install @aicpa-ads/[email protected] --save
API client classes need to be provided with access credentials to the backend service. Obtaining service-specific credentials is outside of the scope of this library. At this point, this API client has been tested with backends supporting Bearer authentication.
Use the following snippet to get started:
const { BaseModuleApi, GeneralLedgerModuleApi,
createConfiguration, ServerConfiguration,
ImplicitAuthAuthentication } = require("@aicpa-ads/auditdata-client")
let apiConfig = createConfiguration({
baseServer: new ServerConfiguration(process.env.AuditDataApiUrl
|| "https://localhost:5001/AuditDataOpenAPI/v1.0"),
authMethods: {
"bearerAuth": new ImplicitAuthAuthentication("<access token>")
let baseApi = new BaseModuleApi(apiConfig);
let glApi = new GeneralLedgerModuleApi(apiConfig);
let entities = await baseApi.getEntities();
let accts = await glApi.getChartAccounts(entities[0].entityIdentifier);