Provides Google Cloud Storage (Buckets) support for Ghost
Ghost Storage Plugin for Google Cloud Storage
Adds support for Google Cloud Storage. Designed for use within App Engine with zero configuration.
Can be used outside of App Engine with a security json file.
npm i @aicial/ghost-storage-google-cloud --save
Create storage module
As well as installing the NPM package, you will need to create a storage plugin within Ghost. From the root of your Ghost blog:
mkdir -p ./content/storage/gcs
echo -en \''use strict'\'';\nmodule.exports = require('\''@aicial/ghost-storage-google-cloud'\'');\n' > ./content/storage/gcs/index.js
If you don't want to do it that way - you need to end up with the content below in "content/storage/gcs/index.js"
'use strict';
module.exports = require('@aicial/ghost-storage-google-cloud');
If you are using App Engine and have the default bucket created - you can use the minimal configuration below. If you are outside of App Engine or want more control over the configuration - build something from the second example.
Add storage
block to file config.js
in each environment as below (minimal):
storage: {
active: 'gcs',
'gcs': {}
If you want more control:
storage: {
active: 'gcs',
'gcs': {
projectId: 'my-project-id',
bucket: 'bucket-name.appspot.com',
key: 'server-to-server-auth-key.json',
customURL: 'https://mycustom.domain/'
You can create a bucket via the Console - https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser
Credentials (the server-to-server key) are created here - https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials