Convert Postman collection into javascript SDK
postman-sdk is a utility library that converts a Postman collection json file into axios client class.
To run the utility, you need to have Node.js installed on your machine. You can download it from here.
To install the utility, run the following command:
npm install -g postman-sdk
or using npx:
npx postman-sdk
Example To generate a TypeScript SDK, run the following command:
postman-sdk --ts --s ./collections/BigCollection.json --o ./SDK.ts --b https://api.example.com
| Option | Description | Default | required |
| --------------------- | ------------------------------ | ---------------------------------- | -------- |
| --src
, -s
| Path to the Postman Collection | ./collections/BigCollection.json
| Yes |
| --out
, -o
| Path to the output file | ./SDK.ts
| No |
| --baseURL
, -b
| Base URL for the API | https://api.example.com
| No |
| --typescript
, -ts
| Generate a TypeScript SDK | true
| No |
| --commonjs
, -c
| Generate a CommonJS SDK | false
| No |
| --help
, -h
| Show this help message | false
| No |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Requested Features
- [x] Add support for other HTTP methods (e.g. PUT, PATCH, DELETE, etc.)
- [x] Support TypeScript SDK generation
- [x] Support CommonJS SDK generation
- [x] basic class boilerplate strategey
- [x] Proof of concept
- [ ] - [ ] Add support for other languages (e.g. Python, Java, etc.)
- [ ] Add support for other HTTP clients (e.g. fetch, etc.)
- [ ] Assure that the generated SDK is compatible with the Postman collection version (e.g. v2.1, v2.0, etc.)
- [ ] Add support for Postman environments
- [ ] Add support for Postman variables
- [ ] Add Paramas, Headers, and Body to the generated SDK methods with types if possible
- [ ] Add more boilerplate strategies