Compresses a specified directory into a war file
Compresses a specified directory into a war file
By default, WAR will operate on the DIST directory under the project, which will render some content to the Dist directory according to some templates of the deploy directory, and finally compress all files.
npm install @ahau2019/war -D
Quick Start
// With war installed locally, you can execute the following commands
npx war
You can specify the default behavior of the WAR through some options.
[-t] [--template]
Specify the address of the deploy template directory
// Assume that the deploy directory exists in the layer above the current project
npx war -t '../'
[-s] [--src]
Specifies which folder to package
npx war -s '../dist'
[-o] [--output]
Specify output address
npx war -o '../'
[-p] [--packageversion]
Specify packageVersion. It has a higher priority than packageVersion in the see field of the package.json
npx war -p '1.00001'
[-m] [--miniversion]
Specify miniVersion. It has a higher priority than miniVersion in the see field of the package.json
npx war -m '1.00003'
SEE configuration stored in package.json
"see": {
"packageName": "xxxx",
"systemType": "xxxx",
"appType": "xxxx",
"packageVersion": "xxx",
"miniVersion": "xxxx",
"appDescription": "xxxx"