CLI to generate express project with ts and dependency injection, using a n-tier architecture
Library to generate a template of an express aplication using Typescript and dependency injection with tsyringe, the express app follows a n-tier architecture.
Table of Contents
Using npm:
$ npm install @agutierrezt9410/express-ts-cli -g
Using npx:
$ npx @agutierrezt9410/express-ts-cli -a Andres Gutierrez -n example
How to use
From your terminal or cmd you can use the command express-ts to create a new project based from the template, the cli can receive some parameters to customize the application generated.
- -n --name: Required, the name of project, cli will create a folder inside the directory with the name supplied in the parameter, the name also would be used in the package.json.
- -a, --author: Required, the name of the author of the project, this parameter would be used in the package.json.
- -d, --description: Optional, the description of the project, this parameter would be used in the package.json.
- -k, --keywords: Optional, array of keywords to be used in the package.json.
- --help: Command that shows the cli options.
Folder structure
Once the command is successful a new folder with the name of the parameter would be generated, this folder constains the following content:
- src: Folder where all the typescript content would be stored.
- src/clients: Folder where the http clients should be created, the folder has a generic http client using axios.
- src/controllers: Folder where the routes handlers of expres would be created through the use of decorators, a healthCheck controller is created with the generator.
- src/db: Folder where the connections to the different data sources should be created.
- src/db/models: Folder where the different models of the different datasources should be stored.
- src/decorators: Folder where custom decorators are created, the template has some decorators to built-in, which ease the implementation of express.
- src/dtos: Folder where the request and response DTOs should be created.
- src/errors: Folder where the custom errors are stored.
- src/middlewares: Folder where the express middleware should be stored, an error middleware is created with the template.
- src/services: Folder where the services should be stored, this services hold the bussiness rules of project, an example service is created with the template.
- src/types: Folder where the typescript types should be created.
- src/utils: Folder where the constants and utility methods should be created.
- src/ioc.ts: File where the IoC container would be configured.
- src/server.ts: File where the express application is created.
- src/index.ts: This file is the starting point of the project.
$ express-ts -n example -a Andres Gutierrez
$ cd example
$ npm i
$ npm start
Or if you want to restart your server when there is change in your files you can run
$ npm run watch
0.0.12 (January 29, 2022)
- Added nodemon to restart server automatically.
This library is created for free use and with the goal of optimizing the setup process of an express project.