Please contact agnoStack via [email protected] for any questions
yarn add @agnostack/verifyd
# npm install @agnostack/verifyd
Quickstart - TODO
Inside of next.config.js
, add the following:
const { withShopify } = require('@agnostack/verifyd')
const manifestTemplate = require('./manifestTemplate.json')
const nextConfig = withShopify({
zendesk: { manifestTemplate },
Also, create an api route (pages/api/apps.js
) containing the following:
import getConfig from 'next/config'
import { withShopify } from '@agnostack/verifyd'
const { serverRuntimeConfig } = getConfig() ?? {}
export default withShopify(serverRuntimeConfig)
Alternate Option #1
Inside of next.config.js
, add the following:
const { withPlugins } = require('@agnostack/next-plugins')
const { withShopify } = require('@agnostack/verifyd')
const manifest = require('./manifest.json')
const nextPlugins = [{
[withShopify]: {
manifestTemplate: manifest,
/* NOTE: add optionale below
apiRoute: '/api/my-custom-api-json-route', // (defaults to /api/apps)
interactive: true, // (defaults to false)
data: {
plan: 'silver',
app_id: 123,
installation_id: 12434234,
my_token: 'myValue',
parameters: {
someToken: 'fksjdhfb231435',
someSecret: 123,
routes: {
background: '/background'
user_sidebar: '/noTicket',
organization_sidebar: '/noTicket',
ticket_sidebar: '/ticket',
new_ticket_sidebar: '/ticket',
const nextConfig = withPlugins({
/* NOTE: standard nextConfig goes in here
reactStrictMode: true,
experimental: {
esmExternals: false,
}, [nextPlugins])
Also, create an api route (pages/api/apps.js
) containing the following:
import getConfig from 'next/config'
import { withShopify } from '@agnostack/verifyd'
const { publicRuntimeConfig } = getConfig() ?? {}
export default withShopify(publicRuntimeConfig)
Contact Adam Grohs @ agnoStack for any questions.