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AWS API gateway reconciler
AWS API gateway reconciler checks and merges openapi schemas from services. Reconciler is cdk library construct, which could be deployed as part of AWS CDK application
:books: Table of Contents
:package: Installation
npm i @affinidi/api-gw-reconciler
:battery: Features
- Merging openapi schemas from different services in one openapi schema and updating single API gateway
- Checking for backwards compatibilty of schema
- schema path authentication for specifc service path prefix
- Pinning 1 schema to provide authorizers
- Generates and publishes json api doc
- Generates and publishes ReDoc HTML documentation
- Token Auth for documentation
:rocket: Usage
For more complex example, take a look into [examples]
//Create API gw somewhere
const api = new apigateway.RestApi(this, 'api')
Create reconciler
//Reference apigateway in reconciler stack
const restApiId = 'fe3sdf4x'
restApiReference = apigateway.RestApi.fromRestApiId(this, 'restApiReference', restApiId)
//Create reconsiler
const reconciler = new APIGWReconciler(this, 'reconciler', {
restAPI: restApiReference
allowedAccounts: [
allowedApiPathPrefix: 'service1',
id: '1111111111'
allowedApiPathPrefix: 'service2',
id: '22222222222'
Upload openapi.json schema in service stack
const oas = {
"openapi": "3.0.0",
"paths:" : [...]
new BucketDeployment(this, 'openapiSchemaDeployment', {
destinationBucket: this.reconciler.openApiDefinitionBucket,
destinationKeyPrefix: 'service1',
prune: false,
sources: [Source.jsonData('openapi.json', oas)],
:carpentry_saw: How it works
Take a look into detailed example
:hammer_and_wrench: Support
Please open an issue for support.
:memo: Contributing
Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!