SDK for interacting with Adzerk's Decision API
Adzerk JavaScript/Typescript Decision SDK
JavaScript Software Development Kit for Adzerk Decision & UserDB APIs
Usable client or server-side as TypeScript or JavaScript!
Server-Side via NPM
Requires Node.js v10 or higher.
npm install --save @adzerk/decision-sdk
Client-Side via CDN
Always fetches the latest version:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@adzerk/decision-sdk/dist/adzerk-decision-sdk.js"></script>
Using a fixed version:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@adzerk/[email protected]/dist/adzerk-decision-sdk.js"></script>
API Credentials & Required IDs
- Network ID: Log into Adzerk UI & use the "circle-i" help menu in upper right corner to find Network ID. Required for all SDK operations.
- Site ID: Go to Manage Sites page to find site IDs. Required when fetching an ad decision.
- Ad Type ID: Go to Ad Sizes page to find Ad Type IDs. Required when fetching an ad decision.
- API Key: Go to API Keys page find active API keys. Required when writing to UserDB.
- User Key: UserDB IDs are specified or generated for each user.
Fetching an Ad Decision
import { Client } from "@adzerk/decision-sdk";
// Demo network, site, and ad type IDs; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
let client = new Client({ networkId: 23, siteId: 667480 });
let request = {
placements: [{ adTypes: [5] }],
user: { key: "abc" },
keywords: ["keyword1", "keyword2"]
client.decisions.get(request).then(response => {
console.dir(response, { depth: null });
Recording Impression & Clicks
Use with the fetch ad example above.
// Impression pixel; fire when user sees the ad
client.pixels.fire({ url: decision.impressionUrl });
// Click pixel; fire when user clicks on the ad
// status: HTTP status code
// location: click target URL
client.pixels.fire({ url: decision.clickUrl }).then(r => {
console.log(`status ${r["status"]}; location: ${r["location"]}`);
UserDB: Reading User Record
import { Client } from "@adzerk/decision-sdk";
// Demo network ID; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
let client = new Client({ networkId: 23 });
client.userDb.read("abc").then(response => console.log(response));
UserDB: Setting Custom Properties
import { Client } from "@adzerk/decision-sdk";
// Demo network ID; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
let client = new Client({ networkId: 23 });
let props = {
favoriteColor: "blue",
favoriteNumber: 42,
favoriteFoods: ["strawberries", "chocolate"]
client.userDb.setCustomProperties("abc", props);
UserDB: Forgetting User Record
import { Client } from "@adzerk/decision-sdk";
const apiKey = process.env.ADZERK_API_KEY;
// Demo network ID and API key; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
let client = new Client({ networkId: 23, apiKey });
Decision Explainer
The Decision Explainer returns information on a Decision API request explaining why each candidate ad was or was not chosen.
import { Client } from "@adzerk/decision-sdk";
const apiKey = process.env.ADZERK_API_KEY;
// Demo network, site, and ad type IDs; find your own via the Adzerk UI!
let client = new Client({ networkId: 23, siteId: 667480 });
let request = {
placements: [{ adTypes: [5] }],
user: { key: "abc" },
keywords: ["keyword1", "keyword2"]
const options = {
includeExplanation: true,
client.decisions.get(request, options).then(response => {
console.dir(response, { depth: null });
The response returns a decision object with placement, buckets, rtb logs, and result information.
"div0": {
"placement": {},
"buckets": [],
"rtb_log": [],
"results": []
The "placement" object represents a decision in which an ad may be served. A Explainer Request can have multiple placements in the request. The "buckets" array contains channel and priority information. The "rtb_logs" array contains information about Real Time Bidding. The "results" array contains the list of candidate ads that did and did not serve, along with a brief explanation. |
Our logging implementation is meant to be flexible enough to fit into any common NodeJS logging framework.
When constructing a client instance, the logger is passed in as an anonymous function with three parameters:
: Any one ofdebug
, orerror
: The message to logmetadata
: Any additional metadata related to the logging call
If no logger
is provided as an argument, the debug library will be used by default.
The easiest way to integrate is to write a function that handles translating the data from the Adzerk SDK Logger into whatever logging framework you're using in the rest of your application:
import { Client } from "@adzerk/decision-sdk";
const logger = (lvl, msg, meta) =>
console.log(`[${lvl}] ${msg} [${JSON.stringify(meta)}]\n`);
let client = new Client({ logger });
Reporting Issues
- For bug fixes and improvements to this SDK please use Github to open an issue or send us a pull request.
- For questions or issues regarding Adzerk functionality, please contact Adzerk support.
Building / Running Tests
To install dependencies and run the builds associated with this SDK, please use:
npm install
npm run build
npm run test