A TypeScript decorator library for deep cloning method arguments to prevent side effects, enhancing immutability in class methods.
This library was generated with Nx.
Building the Library
- Before builld, please move to the root directory of the library folder, that is cloning-decorator and installl dependencies with :
npm i
To build the library and ensure everything is set up correctly without code errors, you can follow these steps:
1. Run TypeScript Build
This will compile your TypeScript code based on the tsconfig.lib.json
npm run build
- This uses the build script defined in your package.json:
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc -p packages/cloning-decorator/tsconfig.lib.json"
2. Run ESLint (Linting)
Linting will check for any stylistic or programming errors based on your ESLint configuration.
npm run lint
- This uses the lint script defined in your package.json:
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint packages/cloning-decorator/src --ext .ts"
3. Run Unit Tests
This will run the tests for the library project using Jest.
npm run test
- This uses the test script defined in your package.json:
"scripts": {
"test": "jest"
Jest will execute tests found in files matching the pattern */.spec.ts.
Full Process Summary:
- Compile TypeScript: Run npm run build to check for any TypeScript compilation errors.
- Lint: Run npm run lint to identify and fix any linting issues.
- If all these commands succeed without errors, the library is ready and built correctly!