Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network extension for Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK. Written and maintained by Adobe.
React Native Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network extension
is a wrapper around the iOS and Android Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network to allow for integration with React Native applications.
The Edge Network extension has the following peer dependencies, which must be installed prior to installing the Edge extension:
See Requirements and Installation instructions on the main page
Install the @adobe/react-native-aepedge
npm install @adobe/react-native-aepedge
yarn add@adobe/react-native-aepedge
Initializing with SDK:
To initialize the SDK, use the following methods:
Refer to the root Readme for more information about the SDK setup.
Importing the extension
In your React Native application, import the Edge extension as follows:
import {Edge, ExperienceEvent} from '@adobe/react-native-aepedge';
API reference
Returns the version of the client-side Edge extension.
extensionVersion(): Promise<string>
Edge.extensionVersion().then(version => console.log("AdobeExperienceSDK: Edge version: " + version));
Gets the Edge Network location hint used in requests to the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network. The Edge Network location hint may be used when building the URL for Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network requests to hint at the server cluster to use.
getLocationHint(): Promise<string|null>
Edge.getLocationHint().then(hint =>
console.log('AdobeExperienceSDK: location hint = ' + hint),
Sets the Edge Network location hint used in requests to the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network. Passing null or an empty string clears the existing location hint. Edge Network responses may overwrite the location hint to a new value when necessary to manage network traffic.
Warning: Use caution when setting the location hint. Only use location hints for the "EdgeNetwork" scope. An incorrect location hint value will cause all Edge Network requests to fail with 404 response code.
setLocationHint(hint?: string)
Resets current state of the AEP Edge extension and clears previously cached content related to current identity, if any. See MobileCore.resetIdentities for more details.
Sends an Experience event to Edge Network.
Starting with @adobe/react-native-aepedge v5.1.0, the sendEvent API supports optional Datastream overrides. This allows you to adjust your datastreams without the need for new ones or modifications to existing settings. The process involves two steps:
- Define your Datastream configuration overrides on the datastream configuration page.
- Send these overrides to the Edge Network using the sendEvent API.
Note: You can find a tutorial for Datastream config overrides using rules here.
sendEvent(experienceEvent: ExperienceEvent): Promise<Array<EdgeEventHandle>>
const sampleXdmData = {"eventType" : "SampleXDMEvent"};
const freeFormData = {"free": "form", "data": "example"};
let experienceEvent = new ExperienceEvent({xdmData: sampleXdmData , data: freeFormData});
// send ExperienceEvent ignoring the promise
// send ExperienceEvent with promise
Edge.sendEvent(experienceEvent).then(eventHandles => console.log("Edge.sentEvent returned EdgeEventHandles = " + JSON.stringify(eventHandles)));
Example with Datastream ID override
const sampleXdmData = {"eventType" : "SampleXDMEvent"};
let experienceEvent = new ExperienceEvent({xdmData: sampleXdmData, datastreamIdOverride: 'SampleDataStreamId'});
// send ExperienceEvent ignoring the promise
Example with Datastream config override
const sampleXdmData = { eventType: 'SampleXDMEvent' };
const configOverrides = {
com_adobe_experience_platform: {
datasets: {
event: {
datasetId: 'SampleEventDatasetIdOverride',
com_adobe_analytics: {
reportSuites: ['sampleRSID'],
let experienceEvent = new ExperienceEvent({xdmData: sampleXdmData, datastreamConfigOverride: configOverrides});
// send ExperienceEvent ignoring the promise
Public classes
The EdgeEventHandle is a response fragment from Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network for a sent XDM Experience Event. One event can receive none, one or multiple EdgeEventHandle(s) as response.
class EdgeEventHandle {
type?: string;
payload?: Array<Record<string, any>>;
constructor(type?: string, payload?: Array<Record<string, any>>) {
this.type = type;
this.payload = payload;
export default EdgeEventHandle;
Experience Event is the event to be sent to Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network. The XDM data is required for any Experience Event being sent using the Edge extension.
//Experience Event setting with objects, recommended way to create experience event
ExperienceEvent({xdmData: xdmData, data: data, datasetIdentifier: datasetIdentifier});
ExperienceEvent({xdmData: xdmData, data: data, datastreamIdOverride: datastreamIdOverride});
ExperienceEvent({xdmData: xdmData, data: data, datastreamConfigOverride: datastreamConfigOverride});
//Experience Event setting with parameters, previously supported
ExperienceEvent(xdmData, data, datasetIdentifier);
//Example 1
// set free form data to the Experience event
const sampleXdmData = {"eventType" : "SampleXDMEvent"};
const freeFormData = {"free": "form", "data": "example"};
let experienceEvent = new ExperienceEvent({xdmData: sampleXdmData, data: freeFormData});
//Example 2
// Set free form data and datastream id override to the current Experience event:
const sampleXdmData = { eventType: 'SampleXDMEvent' };
const freeFormData = {"free": "form", "data": "example"};
let experienceEvent = new ExperienceEvent({xdmData: sampleXdmData, data: freeFormData, datastreamIdOverride: 'SampleDataStreamId'});
//Example 3
// Set datastream config override to the current Experience event:
const sampleXdmData = { eventType: 'SampleXDMEvent' };
const configOverrides = {
com_adobe_experience_platform: {
datasets: {
event: {
datasetId: 'SampleEventDatasetIdOverride',
com_adobe_analytics: {
reportSuites: ['sampleRSID'],
let experienceEvent = new ExperienceEvent({xdmData: sampleXdmData, datastreamConfigOverride: configOverrides});
Next steps - Schemas setup and validation with Assurance
For examples on XDM schemas and datasets setup and tips on validating with Assurance, refer to the Edge Network tutorial.