SDK for working with events on an Adobe Commerce storefront
Adobe Commerce Events SDK
This package serves as the foundation for eventing on an Adobe Commerce storefront. It provides access to the Adobe data layer, and an event publishing service.
You can handle the events in a custom implementation, or use the Adobe Commerce Events Collectors package that listens for events and sends them to Adobe Commerce edges for processing.
Note: When an event is published through the SDK, all subscribers to that event get notified. Defining a custom listener shouldn't preclude you from also running the Adobe Commerce Events Collectors.
Our context schemas are designed to simplify forwarding to two edges:
- Adobe Commerce Data Services (maintained by Adobe Engineering and used to power merchant performance dashboards)
- Adobe Experience Platform (requires a subscription and additional merchant setup; data can be used by merchants inside the Adobe Experience Platform for detailed analytics, targeted merchandising, real time customer data profiles, and more)
This SDK can be used as a hosted script, or bundled in a JavaScript application. The script version is hosted on jsdelivr, and the bundled version is hosted on npm.
To load the SDK as a script, use the following snippet.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@adobe/commerce-events-sdk/dist/index.js"></script>
To install the script as a dependency, run this command.
npm install @adobe/commerce-events-sdk
Quick start
Once imported, you have access to the four main functions of the Events SDK.
- set context dataPublish
- publish eventsSubscribe
- subscribe to eventsUnsubscribe
- unsubscribe from events
Below is a code example of how to get started.
IMPORTANT Relevant context data must be populated before publishing events that require it.
import mse from "@adobe/commerce-events-sdk";
// handler - can go in a different module
function addToCartHandler(event) {
// do something with the event
// subscribe to events
// set context data
const shoppingCartContext = {
id: "1",
items: [
id: "shoppingCart",
product: {
productId: 111111,
sku: "ts001",
pricing: {
regularPrice: 20.0,
currencyCode: "USD",
quantity: 1,
// publish events
// unsubscribe from events
Schemas and supported events
The below methods allow you to set specific contexts based on the SDK schema and to publish a set of events supported by this API.
Addiontally, you can publish custom events or add a custom context to a supported event.
API reference
The SDK is broken down into four major parts: Context
, Publish
, Subscribe
, Unsubscribe
Pre-defined contexts are listed in the ContextManager.
Examples of setting context under examples/events/example-contexts.
Required contexts per event under examples/events/.
Pre-defined publishable events are listed in the PublishManager. Any event that is not part of the PublishManager
should be handled as a custom event.
A list of examples on publishing events is available under examples.
Supported subscibe
events are defined in the SubscribeManager. Any event that is not part of the SubscribeManager
should be handled as a custom event.
Note that a large number of custom events with different schemas is an anti-pattern (most events you need should be supported by SubscribeManager
). If there are standard events you believe should be supported by SubscribeManager
, please submit an issue.
Note that it is rare for an application utilizing the SDK to have to subscribe to events. In most cases subscribes and unsubscribes are handled by the Storefront Events Collector.
Supported unsubscibe
events are defined in the UnubscribeManager.
As noted above, it is rare for an SDK and Collector user to have to call these functions directly.
If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please reach out on GitHub.