Adobe I/O Runtime commands for the Adobe I/O CLI
Adobe I/O Runtime plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI
$ aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-runtime
$ # OR
$ aio discover -i
$ aio runtime --help
aio runtime
aio runtime action
aio runtime action create ACTIONNAME [ACTIONPATH]
aio runtime action delete ACTIONNAME
aio runtime action get ACTIONNAME
aio runtime action invoke ACTIONNAME
aio runtime action list [PACKAGENAME]
aio runtime action update ACTIONNAME [ACTIONPATH]
aio runtime activation
aio runtime activation get [ACTIVATIONID]
aio runtime activation list [ACTION_NAME]
aio runtime activation logs [ACTIVATIONID]
aio runtime activation result [ACTIVATIONID]
aio runtime api
aio runtime api create [BASEPATH] [RELPATH] [APIVERB] [ACTION]
aio runtime api get BASEPATHORAPINAME
aio runtime api list [BASEPATH] [RELPATH] [APIVERB]
aio runtime deploy
aio runtime deploy export
aio runtime deploy report
aio runtime deploy sync
aio runtime deploy undeploy
aio runtime deploy version
aio runtime namespace
aio runtime namespace get
aio runtime namespace list
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding errors
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding get
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set adobe-io-runtime
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set azure-log-analytics
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set new-relic
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set splunk-hec
aio runtime package
aio runtime package bind PACKAGENAME BINDPACKAGENAME
aio runtime package create PACKAGENAME
aio runtime package delete PACKAGENAME
aio runtime package get PACKAGENAME
aio runtime package list [NAMESPACE]
aio runtime package update PACKAGENAME
aio runtime property
aio runtime property get
aio runtime property set
aio runtime property unset
aio runtime rule
aio runtime rule create NAME TRIGGER ACTION
aio runtime rule delete NAME
aio runtime rule disable NAME
aio runtime rule enable NAME
aio runtime rule get NAME
aio runtime rule list
aio runtime rule status NAME
aio runtime rule update NAME TRIGGER ACTION
aio runtime trigger
aio runtime trigger create TRIGGERNAME
aio runtime trigger delete TRIGGERPATH
aio runtime trigger fire TRIGGERNAME
aio runtime trigger get TRIGGERPATH
aio runtime trigger list
aio runtime trigger update TRIGGERNAME
aio runtime
Execute runtime commands
$ aio runtime [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Execute runtime commands
$ aio rt
See code: src/commands/runtime/index.js
aio runtime action
Manage your actions
$ aio runtime action [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Manage your actions
$ aio rt action
See code: src/commands/runtime/action/index.js
aio runtime action create ACTIONNAME [ACTIONPATH]
Creates an Action
$ aio runtime action create ACTIONNAME [ACTIONPATH] [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost
<value>] [-u <value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-p <value>] [--copy <value>] [-e <value>]
[--web-secure <value> --web true|yes|false|no|raw] [-P <value>] [-E <value>] [-t <value>] [-m <value>] [-l <value>]
[-c <value>] [--kind <value>] [-a <value>] [-A <value>] [--sequence <value>] [--docker <value>] [--main <value>]
[--binary] [--json]
-A, --annotation-file=<value> FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
-E, --env-file=<value> FILE containing environment variables in JSON format
-P, --param-file=<value> FILE containing parameter values in JSON format
-a, --annotation=<value>... annotation values in KEY VALUE format
-c, --concurrency=<value> the maximum number of action invocations to send to the same container in parallel
(default 200, min: 1, max: 500)
-e, --env=<value>... environment values in KEY VALUE format
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-l, --logsize=<value> the maximum log size LIMIT in MB for the action (default 10, min: 0, max: 10)
-m, --memory=<value> the maximum memory LIMIT in MB for the action (default 256, min: 128, max: 4096)
-p, --param=<value>... parameter values in KEY VALUE format
-t, --timeout=<value> the timeout LIMIT in milliseconds after which the action is terminated (default 60000,
min: 100, max: 3600000)
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--binary treat code artifact as binary
--cert=<value> client cert
--copy=<value> copy an existing action
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--docker=<value> [Restricted Access] use provided Docker image (a path on DockerHub) to run the action
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--kind=<value> the KIND of the action runtime (example: swift:default, nodejs:default)
--main=<value> the name of the action entry point (function or fully-qualified method name when
--sequence=<value> treat ACTION as comma separated sequence of actions to invoke
--version Show version
--web=<option> treat ACTION as a web action or as a raw HTTP web action
<options: true|yes|false|no|raw>
--web-secure=<value> secure the web action (valid values are true, false, or any string)
Creates an Action
$ aio rt action create
See code: src/commands/runtime/action/create.js
aio runtime action delete ACTIONNAME
Deletes an Action
$ aio runtime action delete ACTIONNAME [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u
<value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [--json]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
Deletes an Action
$ aio runtime action del
$ aio rt action delete
$ aio rt action del
See code: src/commands/runtime/action/delete.js
aio runtime action get ACTIONNAME
Retrieves an Action
$ aio runtime action get ACTIONNAME [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u
<value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-r] [-c] [--save] [--save-as <value>]
-c, --code show action code (only works if code is not a zip file)
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-r, --url get action url
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--save save action code to file corresponding with action name
--save-as=<value> file to save action code to
--version Show version
Retrieves an Action
$ aio rt action get
See code: src/commands/runtime/action/get.js
aio runtime action invoke ACTIONNAME
Invokes an Action
$ aio runtime action invoke ACTIONNAME [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u
<value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-p <value>] [-P <value>] [-b] [-r]
-P, --param-file=<value> FILE containing parameter values in JSON format
-b, --blocking blocking invoke
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-p, --param=<value>... parameter values in KEY VALUE format
-r, --result blocking invoke; show only activation result (unless there is a failure)
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
Invokes an Action
$ aio rt action invoke
See code: src/commands/runtime/action/invoke.js
aio runtime action list [PACKAGENAME]
Lists all the Actions
$ aio runtime action list [PACKAGENAME] [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u
<value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-l <value>] [-s <value>] [-c] [--json] [--name-sort] [-n]
-c, --count show only the total number of actions
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-l, --limit=<value> only return LIMIT number of actions (min: 0, max: 50)
-n, --name sort results by name
-s, --skip=<value> exclude the first SKIP number of actions from the result
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--name-sort sort results by name
--version Show version
Lists all the Actions
$ aio runtime action ls
$ aio runtime actions list
$ aio runtime actions ls
$ aio rt action list
$ aio rt actions list
$ aio rt action ls
$ aio rt actions ls
See code: src/commands/runtime/action/list.js
aio runtime action update ACTIONNAME [ACTIONPATH]
Updates an Action
$ aio runtime action update ACTIONNAME [ACTIONPATH] [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost
<value>] [-u <value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-p <value>] [--copy <value>] [-e <value>]
[--web-secure <value> --web true|yes|false|no|raw] [-P <value>] [-E <value>] [-t <value>] [-m <value>] [-l <value>]
[-c <value>] [--kind <value>] [-a <value>] [-A <value>] [--sequence <value>] [--docker <value>] [--main <value>]
[--binary] [--json]
-A, --annotation-file=<value> FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
-E, --env-file=<value> FILE containing environment variables in JSON format
-P, --param-file=<value> FILE containing parameter values in JSON format
-a, --annotation=<value>... annotation values in KEY VALUE format
-c, --concurrency=<value> the maximum number of action invocations to send to the same container in parallel
(default 200, min: 1, max: 500)
-e, --env=<value>... environment values in KEY VALUE format
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-l, --logsize=<value> the maximum log size LIMIT in MB for the action (default 10, min: 0, max: 10)
-m, --memory=<value> the maximum memory LIMIT in MB for the action (default 256, min: 128, max: 4096)
-p, --param=<value>... parameter values in KEY VALUE format
-t, --timeout=<value> the timeout LIMIT in milliseconds after which the action is terminated (default 60000,
min: 100, max: 3600000)
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--binary treat code artifact as binary
--cert=<value> client cert
--copy=<value> copy an existing action
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--docker=<value> [Restricted Access] use provided Docker image (a path on DockerHub) to run the action
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--kind=<value> the KIND of the action runtime (example: swift:default, nodejs:default)
--main=<value> the name of the action entry point (function or fully-qualified method name when
--sequence=<value> treat ACTION as comma separated sequence of actions to invoke
--version Show version
--web=<option> treat ACTION as a web action or as a raw HTTP web action
<options: true|yes|false|no|raw>
--web-secure=<value> secure the web action (valid values are true, false, or any string)
Updates an Action
$ aio rt action update
See code: src/commands/runtime/action/update.js
aio runtime activation
Manage your activations
$ aio runtime activation [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Manage your activations
$ aio rt activation
See code: src/commands/runtime/activation/index.js
aio runtime activation get [ACTIVATIONID]
Retrieves an Activation
$ aio runtime activation get [ACTIVATIONID] [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>]
[-u <value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-l] [-g]
-g, --logs emit only the logs, stripped of time stamps and stream identifier
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-l, --last retrieves the most recent activation
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
Retrieves an Activation
$ aio rt activation get
See code: src/commands/runtime/activation/get.js
aio runtime activation list [ACTION_NAME]
Lists all the Activations
$ aio runtime activation list [ACTION_NAME] [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u
<value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-l <value>] [-s <value>] [--since <value>] [--upto
<value>] [-c] [--json] [-f]
-c, --count show only the total number of activations
-f, --full include full activation description
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-l, --limit=<value> only return LIMIT number of activations (min: 0, max: 50)
-s, --skip=<value> exclude the first SKIP number of activations from the result
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--since=<value> return activations with timestamps later than SINCE; measured in milliseconds since Th, 01, Jan
--upto=<value> return activations with timestamps earlier than UPTO; measured in milliseconds since Th, 01, Jan
--version Show version
Lists all the Activations
$ aio runtime activations list
$ aio runtime activation ls
$ aio runtime activations ls
$ aio rt activation list
$ aio rt activation ls
$ aio rt activations list
$ aio rt activations ls
See code: src/commands/runtime/activation/list.js
aio runtime activation logs [ACTIVATIONID]
Retrieves the Logs for an Activation
$ aio runtime activation logs [ACTIVATIONID] [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>]
[-u <value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-d | | [-a <value> | -m | -p <value>]] [-r] [--limit
<value> | -l] [-t | -w | -o]
-a, --action=<value> Fetch logs for a specific action
-d, --deployed Fetch logs for all actions deployed under a specific package
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-l, --last retrieves the most recent activation logs
-m, --manifest Fetch logs for all actions in the manifest
-o, --poll Fetch logs continuously
-p, --package=<value> Fetch logs for a specific package in the manifest
-r, --strip strip timestamp information and output first line only
-t, --tail Fetch logs continuously
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
-w, --watch Fetch logs continuously
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--limit=<value> return logs only from last LIMIT number of activations (min: 0, max: 50)
--version Show version
Retrieves the Logs for an Activation
$ aio runtime activation log
$ aio runtime log
$ aio runtime logs
$ aio rt activation logs
$ aio rt activation log
$ aio rt log
$ aio rt logs
See code: src/commands/runtime/activation/logs.js
aio runtime activation result [ACTIVATIONID]
Retrieves the Results for an Activation
$ aio runtime activation result [ACTIVATIONID] [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>]
[-u <value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-l]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-l, --last retrieves the most recent activation result
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
Retrieves the Results for an Activation
$ aio rt activation result
See code: src/commands/runtime/activation/result.js
aio runtime api
Manage your api routes
$ aio runtime api [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Manage your api routes
$ aio rt api
$ aio runtime route
$ aio rt route
See code: src/commands/runtime/api/index.js
aio runtime api create [BASEPATH] [RELPATH] [APIVERB] [ACTION]
create a new api route
$ aio runtime api create [BASEPATH] [RELPATH] [APIVERB] [ACTION] [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion
<value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u <value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-n <value> | -c <value>]
[-r html|http|json|text|svg|json | ]
BASEPATH The base path of the api
RELPATH The path of the api relative to the base path
APIVERB (get|post|put|patch|delete|head|options) The http verb
ACTION The action to call
-c, --config-file=<value> file containing API configuration in swagger JSON format
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-n, --apiname=<value> Friendly name of the API; ignored when CFG_FILE is specified (default BASE_PATH)
-r, --response-type=<option> [default: json] Set the web action response TYPE.
<options: html|http|json|text|svg|json>
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
create a new api route
$ aio runtime route create
$ aio rt route create
$ aio rt api create
See code: src/commands/runtime/api/create.js
delete an API
$ aio runtime api delete BASEPATHORAPINAME [RELPATH] [APIVERB] [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>]
[--apihost <value>] [-u <value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help]
BASEPATHORAPINAME The base path or api name
RELPATH The path of the api relative to the base path
APIVERB (get|post|put|patch|delete|head|options) The http verb
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
delete an API
$ aio runtime route delete
$ aio rt route delete
$ aio rt api delete
See code: src/commands/runtime/api/delete.js
aio runtime api get BASEPATHORAPINAME
get API details
$ aio runtime api get BASEPATHORAPINAME [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>]
[-u <value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help]
BASEPATHORAPINAME The base path or api name
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
get API details
$ aio runtime route get
$ aio rt route get
$ aio rt api get
See code: src/commands/runtime/api/get.js
aio runtime api list [BASEPATH] [RELPATH] [APIVERB]
list route/apis for Adobe I/O Runtime
$ aio runtime api list [BASEPATH] [RELPATH] [APIVERB] [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>]
[--apihost <value>] [-u <value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-l <value>] [-s <value>] [--json]
BASEPATH The base path of the api
RELPATH The path of the api relative to the base path
APIVERB (get|post|put|patch|delete|head|options) The http verb
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-l, --limit=<value> only return LIMIT number of triggers
-s, --skip=<value> exclude the first SKIP number of triggers from the result
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
list route/apis for Adobe I/O Runtime
$ aio runtime api ls
$ aio runtime route list
$ aio runtime route ls
$ aio rt api list
$ aio rt api ls
$ aio rt route list
$ aio rt route ls
See code: src/commands/runtime/api/list.js
aio runtime deploy
The Runtime Deployment Tool
$ aio runtime deploy [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u <value>] [-i]
[--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-m <value>] [-d <value>] [--param <value>] [-P <value>]
-P, --param-file=<value> FILE containing parameter values in JSON format
-d, --deployment=<value> the path to the deployment file
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-m, --manifest=<value> the manifest file location
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--param=<value>... parameter values in KEY VALUE format
--version Show version
The Runtime Deployment Tool
$ aio rt deploy
See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/index.js
aio runtime deploy export
Exports managed project assets from Runtime to manifest and function files
$ aio runtime deploy export -m <value> --projectname <value> [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>]
[--apihost <value>] [-u <value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-m, --manifest=<value> (required) the manifest file location
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--projectname=<value> (required) the name of the project to be undeployed
--version Show version
Exports managed project assets from Runtime to manifest and function files
$ aio rt deploy export
See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/export.js
aio runtime deploy report
Provides a summary report of Runtime assets being deployed/undeployed based on manifest/deployment YAML
$ aio runtime deploy report [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u <value>] [-i]
[--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-m <value>] [-d <value>]
-d, --deployment=<value> the deployment file location
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-m, --manifest=<value> the manifest file location
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
Provides a summary report of Runtime assets being deployed/undeployed based on manifest/deployment YAML
$ aio rt deploy report
See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/report.js
aio runtime deploy sync
A tool to sync deployment and undeployment of Runtime packages using a manifest and optional deployment files using YAML
$ aio runtime deploy sync [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u <value>] [-i]
[--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-m <value>] [-d <value>]
-d, --deployment=<value> the path to the deployment file
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-m, --manifest=<value> the manifest file location
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
A tool to sync deployment and undeployment of Runtime packages using a manifest and optional deployment files using
$ aio rt deploy sync
See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/sync.js
aio runtime deploy undeploy
Undeploy removes Runtime assets which were deployed from the manifest and deployment YAML
$ aio runtime deploy undeploy [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u <value>] [-i]
[--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-m <value>] [--projectname <value>]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-m, --manifest=<value> the manifest file location
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--projectname=<value> the name of the project to be undeployed
--version Show version
Undeploy removes Runtime assets which were deployed from the manifest and deployment YAML
$ aio rt deploy undeploy
See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/undeploy.js
aio runtime deploy version
Prints the version number of aio runtime deploy
$ aio runtime deploy version [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Prints the version number of aio runtime deploy
$ aio rt deploy version
See code: src/commands/runtime/deploy/version.js
aio runtime namespace
Manage your namespaces
$ aio runtime namespace [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Manage your namespaces
$ aio runtime ns
$ aio rt namespace
$ aio rt ns
See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/index.js
aio runtime namespace get
Get triggers, actions, and rules in the registry for namespace
$ aio runtime namespace get [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u <value>] [-i]
[--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [--json] [--name-sort] [-n]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-n, --name sort results by name
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--name-sort sort results by name
--version Show version
Get triggers, actions, and rules in the registry for namespace
$ aio rt get
$ aio runtime list
$ aio rt list
$ aio runtime ls
$ aio rt ls
See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/get.js
aio runtime namespace list
Lists all of your namespaces for Adobe I/O Runtime
$ aio runtime namespace list [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u <value>] [-i]
[--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [--json]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
Lists all of your namespaces for Adobe I/O Runtime
$ aio runtime namespace ls
$ aio runtime ns list
$ aio runtime ns ls
$ aio rt namespace list
$ aio rt namespace ls
$ aio rt ns list
$ aio rt ns ls
See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/list.js
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding
Manage log forwarding settings
$ aio runtime namespace log-forwarding [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Manage log forwarding settings
$ aio runtime ns log-forwarding
$ aio runtime ns lf
$ aio runtime namespace lf
$ aio rt namespace log-forwarding
$ aio rt namespace lf
$ aio rt ns log-forwarding
$ aio rt ns lf
See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/log-forwarding/index.js
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding errors
Get log forwarding errors
$ aio runtime namespace log-forwarding errors [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Get log forwarding errors
$ aio runtime ns log-forwarding errors
$ aio runtime ns lf errors
$ aio runtime namespace lf errors
$ aio rt namespace log-forwarding errors
$ aio rt namespace lf errors
$ aio rt ns log-forwarding errors
$ aio rt ns lf errors
See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/log-forwarding/errors.js
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding get
Get log forwarding destination configuration
$ aio runtime namespace log-forwarding get [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Get log forwarding destination configuration
$ aio runtime ns log-forwarding get
$ aio runtime ns lf get
$ aio runtime namespace lf get
$ aio rt namespace log-forwarding get
$ aio rt namespace lf get
$ aio rt ns log-forwarding get
$ aio rt ns lf get
See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/log-forwarding/get.js
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set
Configure log forwarding destination (interactive)
$ aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Configure log forwarding destination (interactive)
$ aio runtime ns log-forwarding set
$ aio runtime ns lf set
$ aio runtime namespace lf set
$ aio rt namespace log-forwarding set
$ aio rt namespace lf set
$ aio rt ns log-forwarding set
$ aio rt ns lf set
See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/log-forwarding/set.js
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set adobe-io-runtime
Set log forwarding destination to Adobe I/O Runtime (Logs will be accessible via aio CLI)
$ aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set adobe-io-runtime [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Set log forwarding destination to Adobe I/O Runtime (Logs will be accessible via aio CLI)
$ aio runtime ns log-forwarding set adobe-io-runtime
$ aio runtime ns lf set adobe-io-runtime
$ aio runtime namespace lf set adobe-io-runtime
$ aio rt namespace log-forwarding set adobe-io-runtime
$ aio rt namespace lf set adobe-io-runtime
$ aio rt ns log-forwarding set adobe-io-runtime
$ aio rt ns lf set adobe-io-runtime
See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/log-forwarding/set/adobe-io-runtime.js
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set azure-log-analytics
Set log forwarding destination to Azure Log Analytics
$ aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set azure-log-analytics --customer-id <value> --shared-key <value> --log-type <value> [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion]
[--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--customer-id=<value> (required) Customer ID
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--log-type=<value> (required) Log type
--shared-key=<value> (required) Shared key
--version Show version
Set log forwarding destination to Azure Log Analytics
$ aio runtime ns log-forwarding set azure-log-analytics
$ aio runtime ns lf set azure-log-analytics
$ aio runtime namespace lf set azure-log-analytics
$ aio rt namespace log-forwarding set azure-log-analytics
$ aio rt namespace lf set azure-log-analytics
$ aio rt ns log-forwarding set azure-log-analytics
$ aio rt ns lf set azure-log-analytics
See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/log-forwarding/set/azure-log-analytics.js
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set new-relic
Set log forwarding destination to New Relic
$ aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set new-relic --base-uri <value> --license-key <value> [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u]
[-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--base-uri=<value> (required) Base URI
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--license-key=<value> (required) License Key
--version Show version
Set log forwarding destination to New Relic
$ aio runtime ns log-forwarding set new-relic
$ aio runtime ns lf set new-relic
$ aio runtime namespace lf set new-relic
$ aio rt namespace log-forwarding set new-relic
$ aio rt namespace lf set new-relic
$ aio rt ns log-forwarding set new-relic
$ aio rt ns lf set new-relic
See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/log-forwarding/set/new-relic.js
aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set splunk-hec
Set log forwarding destination to Splunk HEC
$ aio runtime namespace log-forwarding set splunk-hec --host <value> --port <value> --index <value> --hec-token <value> [--cert] [--key]
[--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--hec-token=<value> (required) HEC token
--help Show help
--host=<value> (required) Host
--index=<value> (required) Index
--key client key
--port=<value> (required) Port
--version Show version
Set log forwarding destination to Splunk HEC
$ aio runtime ns log-forwarding set splunk-hec
$ aio runtime ns lf set splunk-hec
$ aio runtime namespace lf set splunk-hec
$ aio rt namespace log-forwarding set splunk-hec
$ aio rt namespace lf set splunk-hec
$ aio rt ns log-forwarding set splunk-hec
$ aio rt ns lf set splunk-hec
See code: src/commands/runtime/namespace/log-forwarding/set/splunk-hec.js
aio runtime package
Manage your packages
$ aio runtime package [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Manage your packages
$ aio runtime pkg
$ aio rt package
$ aio rt pkg
See code: src/commands/runtime/package/index.js
aio runtime package bind PACKAGENAME BINDPACKAGENAME
Bind parameters to a package
$ aio runtime package bind PACKAGENAME BINDPACKAGENAME [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>]
[--apihost <value>] [-u <value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-p <value>] [-P <value>] [-a
<value>] [-A <value>] [--json]
-A, --annotation-file=<value> FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
-P, --param-file=<value> parameter to be passed to the package for json file
-a, --annotation=<value>... annotation values in KEY VALUE format
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-p, --param=<value>... parameters in key value pairs to be passed to the package
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
Bind parameters to a package
$ aio runtime pkg bind
$ aio rt package bind
$ aio rt pkg bind
See code: src/commands/runtime/package/bind.js
aio runtime package create PACKAGENAME
Creates a Package
$ aio runtime package create PACKAGENAME [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u
<value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-p <value>] [-P <value>] [--shared true|yes|false|no] [-a
<value>] [-A <value>] [--json]
-A, --annotation-file=<value> FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
-P, --param-file=<value> parameter to be passed to the package for json file
-a, --annotation=<value>... annotation values in KEY VALUE format
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-p, --param=<value>... parameters in key value pairs to be passed to the package
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--shared=<option> parameter to be passed to indicate whether package is shared or private
<options: true|yes|false|no>
--version Show version
Creates a Package
$ aio runtime pkg create
$ aio rt package create
$ aio rt pkg create
See code: src/commands/runtime/package/create.js
aio runtime package delete PACKAGENAME
Deletes a Package
$ aio runtime package delete PACKAGENAME [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u
<value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [--json] [-r]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-r, --recursive Deletes all associated actions (and rules & triggers associated with the actions)
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
Deletes a Package
$ aio runtime pkg delete
$ aio rt package delete
$ aio rt pkg delete
See code: src/commands/runtime/package/delete.js
aio runtime package get PACKAGENAME
Retrieves a Package
$ aio runtime package get PACKAGENAME [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u
<value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key=<value> client key
--version Show version
Retrieves a Package
$ aio runtime pkg get
$ aio rt package get
$ aio rt pkg get
See code: src/commands/runtime/package/get.js
aio runtime package list [NAMESPACE]
Lists all the Packages
$ aio runtime package list [NAMESPACE] [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u
<value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-l <value>] [-s <value>] [-c] [--json] [--name-sort] [-n]
-c, --count show only the total number of packages
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-l, --limit=<value> only return LIMIT number of packages (min: 0, max: 50)
-n, --name sort results by name
-s, --skip=<value> exclude the first SKIP number of packages from the result
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--name-sort sort results by name
--version Show version
Lists all the Packages
$ aio runtime package ls
$ aio runtime pkg list
$ aio runtime pkg ls
$ aio rt package list
$ aio rt package ls
$ aio rt pkg list
$ aio rt pkg ls
See code: src/commands/runtime/package/list.js
aio runtime package update PACKAGENAME
Updates a Package
$ aio runtime package update PACKAGENAME [--cert <value>] [--key <value>] [--apiversion <value>] [--apihost <value>] [-u
<value>] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version] [--help] [-p <value>] [-P <value>] [--shared true|yes|false|no] [-a
<value>] [-A <value>] [--json]
-A, --annotation-file=<value> FILE containing annotation values in JSON format
-P, --param-file=<value> parameter to be passed to the package for json file
-a, --annotation=<value>... annotation values in KEY VALUE format
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-p, --param=<value>... parameters in key value pairs to be passed to the package
-u, --auth=<value> whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost=<value> whisk API host
--apiversion=<value> whisk API version
--cert=<value> client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--json output raw json
--key=<value> client key
--shared=<option> parameter to be passed to indicate whether package is shared or private
<options: true|yes|false|no>
--version Show version
Updates a Package
$ aio runtime pkg update
$ aio rt package update
$ aio rt pkg update
See code: src/commands/runtime/package/update.js
aio runtime property
Execute property commands
$ aio runtime property [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Execute property commands
$ aio runtime prop
$ aio rt prop
$ aio rt property
See code: src/commands/runtime/property/index.js
aio runtime property get
get property
$ aio runtime property get [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
[--help] [--namespace] [--all] [--apibuild] [--apibuildno] [--cliversion]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--all all properties
--apibuild whisk API build version
--apibuildno whisk API build number
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--cliversion whisk CLI version
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--namespace whisk namespace
--version Show version
get property
$ aio runtime prop get
$ aio rt property get
$ aio rt prop get
See code: src/commands/runtime/property/get.js
aio runtime property set
set property
$ aio runtime property set [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
[--help] [--namespace <value>]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--namespace=<value> whisk namespace
--version Show version
set property
$ aio runtime prop set
$ aio rt property set
$ aio rt prop set
See code: src/commands/runtime/property/set.js
aio runtime property unset
unset property
$ aio runtime property unset [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
[--help] [--namespace]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--namespace whisk namespace
--version Show version
unset property
$ aio runtime prop unset
$ aio rt property unset
$ aio rt prop unset
See code: src/commands/runtime/property/unset.js
aio runtime rule
Manage your rules
$ aio runtime rule [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>] [-v] [--version]
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert client cert
--debug=<value> Debug level output
--help Show help
--key client key
--version Show version
Manage your rules
$ aio rt rule
See code: src/commands/runtime/rule/index.js
aio runtime rule create NAME TRIGGER ACTION
Create a Rule
$ aio runtime rule create NAME TRIGGER ACTION [--cert] [--key] [--apiversion] [--apihost] [-u] [-i] [--debug <value>]
[-v] [--version] [--help] [--json]
NAME Name of the rule
TRIGGER Name of the trigger
ACTION Name of the action
-i, --insecure bypass certificate check
-u, --auth whisk auth
-v, --verbose Verbose output
--apihost whisk API host
--apiversion whisk API version
--cert cli