ACC Javascript SDK
Adobe Campaign Classic (ACC) SDK in JavaScript
The ACC JavaScript SDK is a JavaScript SDK which allows you to call Campaign APIs in a simple, expressive and JavaScript idiomatic way. It hides away the Campaign complexities associated with having to make SOAP calls, XML to JSON conversion, type formatting, etc.
The API is fully asynchronous using promises and works as well on the server side than on the client side in the browser.
Extensive documentation is available: https://opensource.adobe.com/acc-js-sdk/
To install the SDK, use your favorite node command
npm install --save @adobe/acc-js-sdk
The SDK entrypoint is the sdk
object from which everything else can be created.
const sdk = require('@adobe/acc-js-sdk');
You can get version information about the SDK
which will return the SDK name and version (the actual name and version number will depend on the version you have installed)
version: "1.0.0",
name: "@adobe/acc-js-sdk",
description: "ACC Javascript SDK",
An example
Here's a small node.js application which displays all the target mappings in Campaign.
Create a new node.js application
mkdir acc-js-sdk-qstart
cd acc-js-sdk-qstart
npm i --save @adobe/acc-js-sdk
Now create a simple index.js
flle. Replace the endppoint and credentials with your own
const sdk = require('@adobe/acc-js-sdk');
(async () => {
// Display the SDK version
const version = sdk.getSDKVersion();
console.log(`${version.description} version ${version.version}`);
// Logon to a Campaign instance with user and password
const connectionParameters = sdk.ConnectionParameters.ofUserAndPassword(
"admin", "admin");
const client = await sdk.init(connectionParameters);
await client.logon();
const NLWS = client.NLWS;
// Get and display the list of target mappings
const queryDef = {
schema: "nms:deliveryMapping",
operation: "select",
select: {
node: [
{ expr: "@id" },
{ expr: "@name" },
{ expr: "@label" },
{ expr: "@schema" }
const query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create(queryDef);
const mappings = await query.executeQuery();
console.log(`Target mappings: ${JSON.stringify(mappings)}`);
})().catch((error) => {
Run it
node index.js
It will display something like this
ACC Javascript SDK version 1.0.0
Target mappings: {"deliveryMapping":[{"id":"1747","label":"Recipients","name":"mapRecipient","schema":"nms:recipient"},{"id":"1826","label":"Subscriptions","name":"mapSubscribe","schema":"nms:subscription"},{"id":"1827","label":"Operators","name":"mapOperator","schema":"xtk:operator"},{"id":"1828","label":"External file","name":"mapAny","schema":""},{"id":"1830","label":"Visitors","name":"mapVisitor","schema":"nms:visitor"},{"id":"2035","label":"Real time event","name":"mapRtEvent","schema":"nms:rtEvent"},{"id":"2036","label":"Batch event","name":"mapBatchEvent","schema":"nms:batchEvent"},{"id":"2070","label":"Subscriber applications","name":"mapAppSubscriptionRcp","schema":"nms:appSubscriptionRcp"}]}
Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.