Application Dev Utils
Application Development Utilities
An Error type and handlers for concise error handling for expected failure cases.
A very powerful script runner, JsShell, that's more precise and direct for controlled program executions than OS shells.
Since version 2.4.0 supports both CommonJS/ES5 requires and ES6 import...from. Since version 4.1.0 supports deno.
Load some subset of these functions
- AppErr An Error type for facilitating concise error reporting
- conciseCatcher Function wrapper to succinctly report on expected errors
- isPlainObject
- JsShell A powerful system for executing a batch of commands (command-line driver provided)
- mkConciseErrorHandler Succinct error reporting for use in catch blocks and by conciseCatcher
- mkDate Create Date objects for days with local midnight time, with optional convenient offsets
- NetRC Load .netrc entries.
- offsetDate Conveniently generate a new Date with specified offsets from the provided date
- plusify Prefix number strings with a + prefix for positives (with Deno sprintf is more general).
- zxs Several additional schemas for Zod
like so:
const { AppErr, conciseCatcher, conciseErrorHandler } = require("@admc.com/apputil");
import { AppErr, conciseCatcher, conciseErrorHandler} from "@admc.com/apputil";
import { AppErr, conciseCatcher, conciseErrorHandler} from "https://deno.land/x/apputil/apputil-deno.mjs";