Boilerplate and playground/sandbox for creating a simple/basic javascript package.
Todo: Unfinished README file
JS Package Template (basic)
Boilerplate and playground/sandbox for creating a simple/basic javascript package.
It is also a playground or sandbox to test packages concepts, directory structure, organize src/dist/demos/docs, etc...
- Above is the target structure.
- The repository doesn't reflect the structure at 100%. Files and directories can be added or removed as needed or not needed.
- JS/CSS examples are included to quickly test the project or understand what the scripts are doing.
- NPM INSTALLATION should be done only to test the result and understand package.json export. You should DOWNLOAD the project from GITHUB to get the prepeared workspace.
The global idea
A package:
- only essentials for basic projects
- relies on minimal dev dependencies
- helps to structure the workflow
- No webpack, grunt, test driven logics, etc...
- Dev packages and npm scripts can be added/tweeked/removed depeding on project
Contribution & Feedback
Any feedback is welcome on : https://github.com/adil-azmy/js-package-template-basic/discussions
- any idea is welcome on github,
- maybe a better package to replace used ones,
- or a reliable lts packages with minimal dependecies doing same jobs on scripts
- or somethings else...
Packages and why
eslint > Lint JS files. Especially if there is multiple contributors and we want to verify contributed sources.
@eslint/create-config> Assistant to configure EsLint depending on current project requirements
postcss > Auto Prefix some css with vendor (browser) prefix if needed.
postcss-cli > CLI for postcss to use npm commands
autoprefixer > postcss extension to autoprefix
sass > Complile and compress SASS/CSS
terser > JavaScript mangler/compressor toolkit (used to minify)
npm-run-all > Run synch/asynch npm commands and Cross platform (win, linux, macos, etc...). the & and && are a mess between platforms.
Directory Structure
|- .git/
|- build-tools/
|- demos/
| |- assets/
| |- demo-1/
| | |- assets/
|- dist/
| |- css/
| |- js/
|- docs/
| |- assets/
|- node_modules/
|- src/
| |- css/
| | |- vendor/
| | |- style.scss
| |- js/
| | |- vendor/
| | |- MyClass.js
| | |- plugin.js
|- .gitignore
|- package-lock.json
|- package.json
|- README.md
- Direct usable files by a browser or an app
- Can contain:
- Compliled SCSS to CSS
- JS Plugin, JS Module, JS Script file
- Minified and unminified versions
- Uses files from /dist
- Global assets
- Specific demo-1 assets
Other devs, javascript experts or not, should be able to know what a file contains just from its name.
| Type| Name | Filename | |-|-|-| | Class | MyProfileClass | my-profile-class.js | | Module| MyAuthModule | my-auth-module.js | | Functions or Scripts | (none) | my-on-load-script.js |
Bulk info
- Block comments starting with /*! will be kept after minification
- [ ] Bulk change author @author, github link @see, and version @version, license @license, etc... on files.
- [ ] Complete README.md
- [ ] Add doc example
More about some packages
Todo: unfinished
If the current project is different than what is marked under, the configuration assistant can be restarted with
$ npm init @eslint/config
The current project answers are:
# Follow the
√ How would you like to use ESLint? · detect problems
√ What type of modules does your project use? · esm
√ Which framework does your project use? · none
√ Does your project use TypeScript? · No
√ Where does your code run? · browser, node
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? · JSON