Create skeleton web components using Lit based on given Custom Elements Manifest
Create skeleton web components using Lit based on given Custom Elements Manifest.
npm install @addasoft/skeleton-component-generator
Project has a dependency prettier
Specify input and output
skeleton-component-generator --cem=[path to cem] --gen=[path to output generated files]
Speficy custom templates
Added in 1.1.0
. Ability to override the template(s) that are used to generate parts of the skeleton class. Use the parameter --templates <path>
to point to a specific directory containing the overrides.
If no override for a template is found in the given path the internal default will be used instead. Templates need to include a render()
function that returns the output of the template. The render()
function accepts parameters as defined in the customElement
template. By default the parameter points to the object with the same name in CEM. So for example the slots
template uses the slots
object in CEM as the parameter.
export const render = slots => {
return `
? `
.map(slot => {
return `<li>Slot ${slot.name} (${slot.description}):
<slot name="${slot.name}"></slot>
: ``
If you override the customElement
template (the root template) you need to include the list of available templates. By overriding the customElement
template you can also use different Custom Elements libraries instead of Lit, you are in full control.
export const render = (
{ description, name, tagName, cssProperties, attributes, events, slots },
{ classComment, cssPropertiesMembers, attributeMembers, eventsMembers, nameRenderer, descriptionRenderer, cssPropertiesRenderer, attributesRenderer, eventsRenderer, slotRenderer },
) => {
return `
import { html, css, LitElement } from 'lit';
import { customElement, property } from 'lit/decorators.js';
${classComment({ cssProperties, description, slots })}
export class ${name} extends LitElement {
render() {
return html\`
${nameRenderer(name, tagName)}
Available templates
- customElement - base template. accepts <declaration> and <templates>
- attributeMembers - template to render the attributes as a list. accepts <attributes>
- attributesRenderer - template for showing the attributes. accepts <attributes>
- classComment - template to render comments at the top of the class. accepts <declaration>
- cssPropertiesMembers - template to render the CSS properties. accepts <cssProperties>
- cssPropertiesRenderer - template to render the CSS properties as a list. accepts <cssProperties>
- descriptionRenderer - template to render the description. accepts <description>
- eventsMembers - template to create a function that triggers the event. accepts <events>
- eventsRenderer - template to render buttons to trigger the event functions. accepts <events>
- nameRenderer - template to render the class name and custom element name. accepts <name> and <tagName>
- slotRenderer - template to render a slot. accepts <slots>
"schemaVersion": "1.0.0",
"readme": "",
"modules": [
"kind": "javascript-module",
"path": "components/hello-world.ts",
"declarations": [
"kind": "class",
"description": "Hello generated world! Click for a gift or a bomb",
"name": "HelloWorld",
"cssProperties": [
"description": "Controls the text colour",
"name": "--text-color",
"default": "black"
"description": "Controls the background colour",
"name": "--background-color",
"default": "red"
"members": [
"kind": "field",
"name": "type",
"type": {
"text": "string"
"default": "\"wonderful\"",
"description": "What type is the world today?",
"attribute": "type"
"kind": "method",
"name": "eventFunctionGift",
"privacy": "private",
"description": "Write function that dispatches the event Gift"
"kind": "method",
"name": "eventFunctionBomb",
"privacy": "private",
"description": "Write function that dispatches the event Bomb"
"events": [
"name": "Gift",
"type": {
"text": "Event"
"description": "gift - I'm bearing a gift"
"name": "Bomb",
"type": {
"text": "Event"
"description": "bomb - This was a mistake..."
"attributes": [
"name": "type",
"type": {
"text": "string"
"default": "\"wonderful\"",
"description": "What type is the world today?",
"fieldName": "type"
"superclass": {
"name": "LitElement",
"package": "lit"
"tagName": "hello-world",
"customElement": true
"exports": [
"kind": "js",
"name": "HelloWorld",
"declaration": {
"name": "HelloWorld",
"module": "components/hello-world.ts"
"kind": "custom-element-definition",
"name": "hello-world",
"declaration": {
"name": "HelloWorld",
"module": "components/hello-world.ts"
Generated lit element
import { html, css, LitElement } from "lit"
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js"
* Hello generated world! Click for a gift or a bomb
* @cssprop [--text-color=black] - Controls the text colour
* @cssprop [--background-color=red] - Controls the background colour
export class HelloWorld extends LitElement {
static styles = css`
h2 {
margin: 0;
ul {
margin: 0;
:host {
--text-color: var(--text-color, black);
--background-color: var(--background-color, red);
/** What type is the world today? */
@property({ type: String, attribute: "type" })
type = "wonderful"
/** Write function that dispatches the event Gift */
private eventFunctionGift() {
/** @type {Event} gift - I'm bearing a gift */
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("Gift"))
/** Write function that dispatches the event Bomb */
private eventFunctionBomb() {
/** @type {Event} bomb - This was a mistake... */
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("Bomb"))
render() {
return html`
<h1>HelloWorld - <hello-world></hello-world></h1>
<p>Hello generated world! Click for a gift or a bomb</p>
<h2>CSS variables</h2>
<span style="color: var(--text-color, black)"
>current text-color: --text-color default value: black</span
<span style="color: var(--background-color, red)"
>current text-color: --background-color default value: red</span
<li>type = ${this.type}</li>
<li><button @click=${this.eventFunctionGift}>trigger Gift</button></li>
<li><button @click=${this.eventFunctionBomb}>trigger Bomb</button></li>