Module that contains the chatbot component. Repo: https://github.com/adapt-cfo/chat
Adapt Chat
Module that contains the chatbot component. Repo: https://github.com/adapt-cfo/chat
To test locally:
yarn prepublish
yarn link
Go to the project where you're importing the chat component and do
yarn link @adapt-cfo/adapt-chat
. (In some cases where this module has been already installed from npm, the importing project may confuse the actual module. In a case like that, just change the name of the the chat module from @adapt-cfo/adapt-chat to anything else on package.json, and try this steps again.)On every change to the code, do
yarn prepublish
again, then you should see the changes live on the importing project. In case you don't, try do all the steps again.When done, do
yarn unlink @adapt-cfo/adapt-chat
on the importing project andyarn unlink
To publish a new update:
Assuming you have access to adapt-cfo account on npmjs.com. And you have signed in to it from the terminal:
Make sure the name in package.json is @adapt-cfo/adapt-chat (in case it was changed while testing locally).
Make sure you updated the version number in package.json. Follow semantic versioning.
yarn prepublish
npm publish
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