Quicknote library implementation for Typescript and Javascript
A library to easily exchange messages across different languages and protocols - Javascript / Typescript version.
This library is designed to be used in Node.js and in the browser. However, cross-support is a work-in-progress.
In order to install the library, run the following command:
npm install @adamantic/quicknote
You also need to install the specific package for the protocol you want to use, for example:
npm install @adamantic/quicknote-wsstomp
Here's an example of how to configure the library:
import { Quicknote, ChannelState, Message } from '@adamantic/quicknote';
const qn = Quicknote.instance();
* The config and vars objects can be sourced however you
* prefer - if in a browser, you can fetch them from a remote server,
* if in Node.js, you can read them from a file, etc.
const config: any = await import('./quicknote-config.json');
const vars: any = await import('./quicknote-vars.json');
* Configuring the library
qn.config(config, vars);
Once configured, you can use the library to receive messages:
const receiver = await qn.receiver('wsstomptestreceiver');
next: (msg: Message) => {
console.log('Received Quicknote message: ', msg);
console.log('Payload as string: ', msg.payloadAsString);
try {
console.log('Payload as JSON:', msg.payloadAsJSON);
} catch (e) {
console.log('Payload is NOT a JSON');
console.log('Waiting for messages...');
Or you can send messages:
const sender = await qn.sender('wsstomptestsender');
await sender.send(
new Message(
payloadAsString: 'hello world',
contentType: 'text/plain',
routing: '',
ttl: 1000,
id: 1,
headers: {
'my-header': 'my-value'
Please refer to the documentation (work-in-progress) for more details.