adi's music library scripts
Requirements: Node.js v19+
Getting started
Before you run the scripts, you'll need to make sure you have Node.js installed:
- Install nvm
- In a terminal, run
nvm install 19 && nvm use 19
Next, you can install these scripts as a global NPM library:
npm install --global @adahiya/music-library-scripts
Converts a Swinsian library to Rekordbox iTunes XML format.
1. Export your Swinsian library to an XML file
2. Run the Node.js script to generate a ModifiedLibrary.xml
If you have your global node_modules
configured on your shell's $PATH
correctly, you can simply run the binary after installing the package:
If not, you can still run it via npm
npm exec --global music-library-scripts
It will prompt you for a path to the exported SwinsianLibrary.xml
file, and output something like this to the console:
> npm exec --global music-library-scripts
✔ Which script would you like to run? › Convert Swinsian library to Music.app/iTunes XML format
✔ Where is your exported SwinsianLibrary.xml located? … /Users/adi/Music/Swinsian export/Latest
Loading library at /Users/adi/Music/Swinsian export/Latest/SwinsianLibrary.xml
loadPlistFile: 8.220s
Building modified library
buildPlistOutput: 7.693s
Writing modified library to /Users/adi/Music/Swinsian export/Latest/ModifiedLibrary.xml
3. Point Rekordbox to the new modified library file
This configuration only needs to be done once!
After the first time you configure Rekordbox to look for ModifiedLibrary.xml
in this location,
you can just hit the refresh button to load the library when you run this process again:
Automator workflow
There's an automator workflow in this repo which does most of the above steps for you. Here's an overview of its steps:
- Build from source:
pnpm build
- Run CLI:
pnpm run-cli