React wrapper for webmapjs, which is an interactive maps library, capable of parsing a OGC WMS getcapabilities and display geographical layers
Install environment
To run and develop react-webmapjs you need npm. The easiest way to install npm is via nvm. Please visit https://nvm.sh/ and follow the instructions. When nvm is installed, please do the following command:
nvm install 8
After that you need to install its dependencies, do inside the react-webmapjs folder:
npm install
To start the storybook do:
npm run storybook
To also use the styling, one should import the stylesheet from the dist folder:
import '@adaguc/react-webmapjs/dist/main.css';
Inspecting the components with storybook
Storybook can be used to view the components.
If you run npm run storybook
a storybook server will start in which you can see all the components for which stories
are written.
Writing a new story
Stories live in the stories folder. Here is the documentation on the syntax for adding new stories: https://storybook.js.org/docs/basics/writing-stories/
Deploying a static version of your storybook
The storybook can be compiled to a static version via npm run build-storybook
. The static contents is then placed in the folder storybook-react-webmapjs.
Test can be run by the following command:
npm test
This will run all the tests specified in the stories without starting a browser.
Currently only the mounting of components is tested, no interaction testing is implemented yet.
Testing the package in another project
To test the package in another project without publishing it, you can follow these steps:
npm run build
npm pack
cd <path/to/your/project>
npm install <absolute path/to/tar/created/by/npm pack>
Setting up CI/CD
Creating an authentication token
To be able to publish to npm CI/CD requires an authentication token.
To create a token, see: https://docs.npmjs.com/creating-and-viewing-authentication-tokens
As soon as you've created the token, go to GitLab and:
- Click on Settings --> CI/CD --> Variables
- Change or create the NPM_TOKEN variable to the created authentication token.
To create a new package:
- Adjust version number in package.json
- Adjust version numberin WMJSMap.js
- Publish:
npm run clean && npm install && npm run build && npm publish