Typescript type declaration file generator from Contentful models
Note: This is a fork of github.com/arimkevi/contentful-ts-type-generator
Get preview api token and spaceId from Contentful.
Install this repository into your node project
npm install @aceandtate/contentful-ts-type-generator
- Run the script to get help options
npx generateContentfulTypes
- Base usage
npx generateContentfulTypes <SPACE_ID> <PREVIEW_API_TOKEN>
This will generate contentfulTypes.d.ts file that will contain all of the space model as interfaces and inheritance. Export contains also model sys.id.
If you use the generateContentfulTypes
command in your package.json scripts, you can leave out the npx
in front of it.
- Options
-o, --output <file>, Output file path. Default: './contentfulTypes.d.ts'
-e, --environment [value], Contentful environment id to use. Default: 'master'
-p, --prefix <value>, Name prefix for generated interfaces. Default: ''
-h, --host [value], Default: 'api.contentful.com'
-i, --ignore [value], Ignored field(s): a single field id or comma separated list of field ids. Default: ''
- Once the types are generated you can use contentful.js calling the following function:
const client = contentful.createClient({
host: 'contentfulHost',
accessToken: 'accessToken',
space: 'spaceId',
resolveLinks: true,
export function getContent<T>(
contentfulLocale: string, contentType: string
): Promise<contentful.Entry<T>> {
return client
.getEntries({ content_type: contentType, locale: contentfulLocale })
.then((response: contentful.EntryCollection<T>) => response.items[0])
getContent<T>(locale, YourContentfulType)